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<AlternateName>Fluxgare Magnetometer for Average Fields</AlternateName>
<Description>This experiment (E3) consisted of a boom-mounted, triaxial-fluxgate magnetometer.
An automatic inflight range switch system selected the optimum of four ranges that were minus
to plus 16, 48, 144, and 432 nT per sensor. These had corresponding digitization resolutions of
minus to plus 0.03, 0.09, 0.28, and 0.84 nT, respectively. A sensor flipper was actuated every
36 h to assist in sensor zero level determination. For telemetry bit rates above 256 bps,
vector measurements were made at rates between 1 and 16 per s, depending on bit rates.
At lower bit rates, averages and variances were computed on board for transmission to earth.