tethys-orb-all.xml 7.32 KB
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<Spase xmlns="http://www.spase-group.org/data/schema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.spase-group.org/data/schema http://amda.irap.omp.eu/public/schemas/spase-2_3_1.xsd">
            <Description>Tethys orbits Saturn at a distance of about 295000 km  from the center of the planet. Its orbital eccentricity is negligible, whereas its orbital inclination is about 1°. Tethys is locked in an inclination resonance with Mimas, which, however, does not cause any noticeable orbital eccentricity and tidal heating.

The Tethyan orbit lies deep inside the magnetosphere of Saturn, so the plasma co-rotating with the planet strikes the trailing hemisphere of the moon. Tethys is also subject to constant bombardment by the energetic particles (electrons and ions) present in the magnetosphere.[16]

Tethys has two co-orbital moons, Telesto and Calypso orbiting near Tethys's trojan points L4 (60° ahead) and L5 (60° behind) respectively.</Description>
                <Note>Saturn Moons</Note>
            <Name>distance tethys-saturn</Name>
            <Name>latitude IAU_saturn</Name>
            <Name>longitude IAU_saturn</Name>