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<AlternateName>Dual Technique Magnetometer</AlternateName>
<Description>MAG includes both a fluxgate magnetometer and a
vector/scalar helium magnetometer.
Because magnetometers are sensitive to electric currents and
ferrous metal components, they are generally placed on an extended boom,
as far from the spacecraft as possible. On Cassini, the flux gate magnetometer is
located midway out on the 11-meter (36-foot) magnetometer boom extending out
from the spacecraft, and the vector/scalar helium magnetometer is located at the
end of the boom. The boom itself, composed of thin, nonmetallic rods, was folded
during launch and deployed about two years after launch.
The magnetometer electronics are located in a bay in the Cassini
orbiter's spacecraft body.</Description>
<Name>Instrument home page at Imperial College, UK</Name>
<InvestigationName>Dual Technique Magnetometer</InvestigationName>