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<AlternateName>Cosmic Ray Particles Count rates</AlternateName>
<Description>The objective of experiment (E6) was to study high-energy, charged,
cosmic-ray particles of solar, planetary, and galactic origin in
interplanetary space. Protons and alpha particles with
eneries >1.3 MeV/nucleon, and electrons >0.3 MeV were measured within
interplanetary space over the range from 0.3 to 1.0 AU. The instrument, a
particle telescope with 55-deg field of view, consisted of five semiconductor
detectors, one sapphire Cherenkov counter, and one scintillation counter, all
enclosed by an anticoincidence cylinder. The telescope was calibrated prior to
launch using radioactive sources, particle accelerators, and ground-level muons.
It measured protons and alpha particles in six channels (1.3-3.3, 3.3-13,
13-27, 27-37, 37-45, and >45 MeV/nucleon) and electrons in five energy
channels (0.3-0.8, 0.8-2, 2-3, 3-4, and >4 MeV). For more detail see
pp.253-257 of Raumfahrtforschung, v.19, n. 5, 1975.
<InvestigationName>Cosmic Ray Particles Count rates on Helios1/E6</InvestigationName>