gtl-epic-hr0.xml 6.29 KB
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<Spase xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
         <ResourceName>STICS : hro : proton</ResourceName>
         <AlternateName>STICS : hro : proton</AlternateName>
            * 6 Heads : Elevation Sector Bounds : 80.0°, 53.4°, 26.6°, 0.0°, -26.6°, -53.4°, -80.0°  : 90° - southward flow; -90° - northward flow;  
            * 16 Azimuthal Sectors : 0°, 22.5°, 45°, 67.5°, 90°, 112.5°, 135°, 157.5°, 180°, 202.5°, 225°, 247.5°, 270,° 292.5°, 315°, 337.5° : 0° - tailward flow; 180° - sunward flow;
            * Energy Bounds (keV) : 212.14, 135.87, 87.02, 55.74, 35.70, 22.86, 14.64, 9.38 ;
            Parameters :
            * omni : averaged over 6 heads and 16 sectors
            * eqt - equatorial : averaged over 2,3 heads 
            * eqt - 'directionward' : averaged over 2,3 heads and 3 corresponding azimuthal sectors
           <Name>Sectors in GSE plane</Name>
            <Name>AMDA at CDPP</Name>
         <Name>h+ flux : omni</Name>
         <Name>h+ flux : eqt-omni</Name>
         <Name>h+ flux : eqt-tail</Name>
         <Name>h+ flux : eqt-dusk</Name>
         <Name>h+ flux : eqt-dawn</Name>
         <Name>h+ flux : eqt-sun</Name>
         <Name>h+ flux : eqt : 2D</Name>