psp-spc-flag.xml 11 KB
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<Spase xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
          <ResourceName>quality flags</ResourceName>
          <AlternateName>SWEAP Level 3 data quality flags</AlternateName>      
             This data set contains annotative quality flags to signify whether a given measurement has been made under ideal conditions. The list of flags is:
             * (0) general flag                                                      
             * (1) primary peak low signal                                           
             * (2) no primary peak detected                                          
             * (3) cold primary peak or current spike detected                       
             * (4) sensor saturated                                                  
             * (5) primary peak not bound                                            
             * (6) poor Maxwellian fit to primary peak                               
             * (7) flow direction poorly constrained or undetermined                 
             * (8) alpha peak low signal/not identified                              
             * (9) poor Maxwellian fit to alpha peak                                 
             * (10) alpha peak not bound                                             
             * (11) wind speed off scale high                                        
             * (12) wind speed off scale low                                         
             * (13) wind speed off scale unknown                                     
             * (14) likely proton-alpha confusion                                    
             * (15) unusually high noise levels detected                             
             * (16) proton full-scan mode (not peak-tracking)                        
             * (17) reduced data quality: anomalous periodic noise type A, (above 1Hz)   
             * (18) reduced data quality: anomalous periodic noise type B (under 1Hz)    
             * (19) temperature/survival heater cycling: potential fluctuations      
             * (20) reduced data quality: broadband or other anomalous noise (type C)
             * (21) fragmented or incomplete spectrum measured                       
             * (22) energy ranging/peak tracking error                               
             * (23) spacecraft maneuver                                              
             * (24) not used/TBD                                                     
             * (25) not used/TBD                                                     
             * (26) not used/TBD                                                     
             * (27) not used/TBD                                                     
             * (28) not used/TBD                                                     
             * (29) not used/TBD                                                     
             * (30) not used/TBD                                                     
             * (31) not used/TBD                                                    
             Please acknowledge the NASA Parker Solar Probe Mission and SWEAP team
             led by Justin Kasper for use of data.
           <Name>User Guide</Name>
               User Guide for Parker Solar Probe SWEAP-SPC Investigation Data Products
            <Name>AMDA at CDPP</Name>
                AMDA is a science analysis system provided by the Centre de Donnees de la 
                Physique des Plasmas (CDPP) supported by CNRS, CNES, Observatoire de Paris and 
                Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse
          Please acknowledge the CDAWeb team at GSFC/SPDF.</ProviderAcknowlegment>
         <Name>data quality flag</Name>
                  <Name>flag (1)</Name>
                  <Name>flag (2)</Name>
                  <Name>flag (3)</Name>
                  <Name>flag (4)</Name>
                  <Name>flag (5)</Name>
                  <Name>flag (6)</Name>
                  <Name>flag (7)</Name>
                  <Name>flag (8)</Name>
                  <Name>flag (9)</Name>
                  <Name>flag (10)</Name>
                  <Name>flag (11)</Name>
                  <Name>flag (12)</Name>
                  <Name>flag (13)</Name>
                  <Name>flag (14)</Name>
                  <Name>flag (15)</Name>
                  <Name>flag (16)</Name>
                  <Name>flag (17)</Name>
                  <Name>flag (18)</Name>
                  <Name>flag (19)</Name>
                  <Name>flag (20)</Name>
                  <Name>flag (21)</Name>
                  <Name>flag (22)</Name>
                  <Name>flag (23)</Name>
               The “GENERAL FLAG” variable signifies, as broadly as possible, whether a given measurement
               has been made under ideal conditions and can be used without caveat. When this variable is
               set to 1, there is a condition present of which the user must be made aware    