EpochPlot.hh 2.75 KB
 * EpochPlot.hh
 *  Created on: 16 jan. 2015
 *      Author: AKKA


#include "PanelPlotOutput.hh"
#include "NodeCfg.hh"

#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <memory>

#include "EpochAxisDecorator.hh"

#include "TimeAxisDecorator.hh"

#include "EpochPlotNode.hh"

namespace plot {

class EpochAxis;

class EpochPlot: public PanelPlotOutput {

	EpochPlot(AMDA::Parameters::ParameterManager& manager,
			boost::shared_ptr<Panel> panel);

	virtual ~EpochPlot();
	 * @overload plot::PanelPlotOutput
	virtual const std::string typeName(){

	 * @overload plot::PanelPlotOutput
	virtual const std::string subTypeName(){

	 * @brief overloads ParamOutput::preparePlotArea
	virtual void preparePlotArea (double startTime, double stopTime, int intervalIndex,  std::vector<std::string>* ttNames);

	 * @brief overloads ParamOutput::draw()
	virtual bool draw(double startTime, double stopTime, int intervalIndex, bool isFirstInterval, bool isLastInterval);

	 * @brief get a pointer to the epoch axis
	EpochAxis* getEpochAxis();

	 * @brief set the center time id in the input catalog file
	void setCenterTimeId(std::string centerTimeId);

	 * @overload PanelPlotOutput::calculatePlotArea(Bounds const& pPanelBounds, bool pKeepRatio)
	 * @brief Calculate and draw plot area.
	virtual void calculatePlotArea(const Bounds& panelBounds_, Bounds& bounds_);

	 * @overload PanelPlotOutput::drawSeries(double startDate, double stopDate, std::string pParamId, SeriesProperties const& pSerie)
	 * @brief Draw series of parameter on plot.
	virtual void drawSeries(double startDate, double stopDate, int intervalIndex, std::string pParamId,
			SeriesProperties& pSeries,
			AMDA::Common::ParameterIndexComponent pParamIndex,
			ParameterAxes& param, bool moreThanOneSerieForAxis);

	void drawXAxis(boost::shared_ptr<Axis> pXAxis, PlWindow& pPlWindow, Bounds& pPlotAreaSize, TickConf& pTickConf);

	const std::string getXAxisId() const;

	 * @brief Configure series color (symbols and line) and range of axis (depending of parameters series to draw).
	void configureSeriesAxis();

	 * @brief Configure axis legend with paramInfo.
	void configureAxisLegend();

	 * @brief Epoch time axis decorator
	std::shared_ptr<EpochAxisDecorator> _epochDecoratorPtr;

	 * @brief Center time id defined in the input catalog
	std::string _centerTimeId;

 * @brief Custom generator for time label, just not display min time.
void generateTimeLabel(PLINT axis, PLFLT value, char *label, PLINT length,
		PLPointer data);

} /* namespace plot */
#endif /* EPOCHPLOT_HH_ */