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!1 User Story 46: traitement de grande intervalle du temps

!define path {../test/FitNesseRoot/ReleaseS/FirstPart/ReLease1/SprinT4/UserStory46/}

!2 Description des tests

Construct and output values of parameter for large time interval when several calls to DDServer are needed. Size of 'time block' is to be defined in the system.

!4 Tests : 

!3 ID-81  output parameter values for large time interval

Input: paramID : 'imf'
!-StartTime-!: '2008002000000000\0'
!-TimeInt-!: '0000005000000000\0'
Output: ascii file and log of access to DD Server

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 46: id 81|id test|
|check|returnValue|-f iso -p imf -s 2008002000000000 -d 0000005000000000|argument|0|
|check|logFile|AMDA-Kernel.ParamOutput|befor|INFO 0x[0-9a-f]* \([0-9]+ ms\)[ \t]+AMDA-Kernel.DDServerInterface - ParamGetDDBase::getOneDDDataBloc DD_GetData\([T:, 0-9<>=:.-]*\) returns = \(1\)|pattern|1|

!contents -R2 -g -p -f -h