FileWriter.hh 7.69 KB
 * FileWriter.hh
 *  Created on: 02 oct. 2014
 *      Author: AKKA


#include "VisitorOfParamData.hh"
#include "DownloadProperties.hh"
#include "OutputFormatTime.hh"
#include "Parameter.hh"
#include "ParamMgr.hh"
#include "DataSetMgr.hh"
#include "InstrumentMgr.hh"
#include "MissionMgr.hh"
#include "ParameterIndexesTool.hh"

#include <string>

namespace AMDA
	namespace ParamOutputImpl
		namespace Download
			namespace FileWriter

				// Enumerate that's define type of a data in a file
				typedef enum
				} FileDataType;

// Info keys for AMDA bloc

// Info keys for request bloc

// Info keys for interval bloc

// Info keys when several interval blocs *Furkan*

				 * @class FileWriter
				 * @brief Abstract class use to define a file format writer.
				 * @details
				class FileWriter
					 * @brief Constructor
					FileWriter(AMDA::Parameters::ParameterManager &pParameterManager);

					 * @brief Destruction
					virtual ~FileWriter(void);

					 * @brief Return extension for the file format
					virtual std::string getExtension(void) = 0;

					 * @brief Return File creation. Close the previous opened file if necessary
					virtual bool createNewFile(std::string filePath, std::string filePrefix = "") = 0;

					 * @brief Close the current opened file
					virtual void closeFile(void) = 0;

					 * @brief Add an output parameter in the file
					virtual bool addParameter(ParamProperties *paramProp, AMDA::Common::ParameterIndexComponentList &indexList,
											  FileDataType type, bool isFirstParam, int dim1Size = 1, int dim2Size = 1, bool isTableParam =false) = 0;

					 * @brief Function use to know if info must be write in a separate file
					virtual bool isInfoInSeparateFile(bool separateInfoFile, bool onlyOneInterval, OutputStructure outputStructure) = 0;

					 * @brief Write an error in current opened file
					virtual bool writeError(std::string msg) = 0;

					 * @brief Write an AMDA info bloc in current opened file
					virtual bool writeAMDAInfo(std::string version, std::string createdby, std::string acknowledgement) = 0;

					 * @brief Write a request info bloc in current opened file
					virtual bool writeRequestInfo(std::string structure, std::string timeFormat,
												  int timeResolution, std::string outputParams, std::string ttName) = 0;

					 * @brief Write a parameters info bloc in current opened file
					virtual bool writeParamsInfo(ParamPropertiesList &paramPropertiesList, OutputStructure outputStructure,
												 std::string currentParamId = "") = 0;
					 * @brief Write a parameters table info bloc in current opened file
					virtual bool writeTableParamsInfo(std::vector<std::string> tableParams, int level) = 0;

					 * @brief Write an interval info bloc in current opened file
					virtual bool writeIntervalInfo(std::string startTime, std::string stopTime, bool isSeveralIntervals) = 0;

					 * @brief Write a time data in current opened file
					virtual bool writeTimeData(std::string paramId, double data, OutputFormatTime timeFormat, bool isFirstParam) = 0;

					 * @brief Write a float data in current opened file
					virtual bool writeFloatData(std::string paramId, int varIndex, float data, bool precision) = 0;

					 * @brief Write a short data in current opened file
					virtual bool writeShortData(std::string paramId, int varIndex, short data, bool precision) = 0;

					 * @brief Write a int data in current opened file
					virtual bool writeIntData(std::string paramId, int varIndex, int data, bool precision) = 0;

					 * @brief Write a double data in current opened file
					virtual bool writeDoubleData(std::string paramId, int varIndex, double data, bool precision) = 0;

					 * @brief Write a long double data in current opened file
					virtual bool writeLongDoubleData(std::string paramId, int varIndex, long double data, bool precision) = 0;

					 * @brief Write a logical data in current opened file
					virtual bool writeLogicalData(std::string paramId, int varIndex, AMDA::Parameters::LogicalData data, bool precision) = 0;

					 * @brief Flush data in current opened file
					virtual bool flushData(std::string paramId, bool isFirstParam) = 0;

					 * @brief Prepare file to receive next data record
					virtual bool goToNextRecord(std::string paramId, bool isFirstParam) = 0;

					 * @brief File finalization - Highly dependent of the file format
					virtual bool finalize(bool isInfoFile = false) = 0;

					void setTimeFormat(OutputFormatTime outputFormatTime)
						_outputFormatTime = outputFormatTime;

					 * @brief Call back function used to sort ParamInfo list by id
					struct cmpParamInfoStruct
						bool operator()(std::pair<std::string, AMDA::Info::ParamInfoSPtr> const &lhs, std::pair<std::string, AMDA::Info::ParamInfoSPtr> const &rhs) const
							return lhs.first > rhs.first;

					 * @brief Call back function used to sort DatasetInfo list by id
					struct cmpDatasetInfoStruct
						bool operator()(std::pair<std::string, AMDA::Info::DataSetInfoSPtr> const &lhs, std::pair<std::string, AMDA::Info::DataSetInfoSPtr> const &rhs) const
							return lhs.first > rhs.first;

					 * @brief Call back function used to sort InstrumentInfo list by id
					struct cmpInstrumentInfoStruct
						bool operator()(std::pair<std::string, AMDA::Info::InstrumentInfoSPtr> const &lhs, std::pair<std::string, AMDA::Info::InstrumentInfoSPtr> const &rhs) const
							return lhs.first > rhs.first;

					 * @brief Call back function used to sort MissionInfo list by id
					struct cmpMissionInfoStruct
						bool operator()(std::pair<std::string, AMDA::Info::MissionInfoSPtr> const &lhs, std::pair<std::string, AMDA::Info::MissionInfoSPtr> const &rhs) const
							return lhs.first > rhs.first;

					 * @brief recursive function to sort parameters info in two list: one for base parameters,
					 * and the other one for derived parameters
					 * Parameters info are ordered by id
					void sortParametersInfoByType(std::string crtParamId,
												  std::set<std::pair<std::string, AMDA::Info::ParamInfoSPtr>, cmpParamInfoStruct> &baseParamsInfoList,
												  std::set<std::pair<std::string, AMDA::Info::ParamInfoSPtr>, cmpParamInfoStruct> &derivedParamsInfoList);

					AMDA::Parameters::ParameterManager &_parameterManager;

					OutputFormatTime _outputFormatTime;

			} /* namespace FileWriter */
		}	  /* namespace Download */
	}		  /* namespace ParamOutputImpl */
} /* namespace AMDA */

#endif /* FILEWRITER_HH_ */