ParamsLegendProperties.hh 6.03 KB
 * ParamsLegendProperties.hh
 *  Created on: 18 sep. 2014
 *      Author: AKKA


#define LEGEND_TEXT_OFFSET        1.0
#define LEGEND_TEXT_SPACING       2.0
#define LEGEND_INSIDE_OFFSET      0.005
#define LEGEND_LINE_SYM_WIDTH     0.05

#include <list>
#include <vector>

#include "plplot/plstream.h"

#include "Color.hh"
#include "SymbolProperties.hh"
#include "LineProperties.hh"
#include "ParameterAxes.hh"
#include "SeriesProperties.hh"

namespace plot
	typedef enum {POS_INSIDE, POS_OUTSIDE} ParamsLegendPosition;

	 * @brief Class for properties of a legend line
	class LegendLineProperties
		 * @brief Constructor

		 * @brief Destructor
		virtual ~LegendLineProperties(void);

		 * @brief Get symbol
		const SymbolProperties& getSymbolProperties(void) const;

		 * @brief Set symbol
		void setSymbolProperties(const SymbolProperties& symbolProperties);

		 * @brief Get line
		const LineProperties& getLineProperties(void) const;

		 * @brief Set line
		void setLineProperties(const LineProperties& lineProperties);

		 * @brief Get legend line text
		const char *getText(void) const;

		 * @brief Set legend line text
		void setText(const char *text);

		 * @brief Set the default color
		void setDefaultTextColor(const Color &textColor);

		 * @brief Get the color to use for this legend line.
		Color getTextColor(bool autoTextColor);

		 * @brief Show line
		bool isLineVisible(void);

		 * @brief Show symbol
		bool isSymbolsVisible(void);

		 * @brief Symbol properties
		SymbolProperties _symbolProperties;

		 * @brief Line properties
		LineProperties   _lineProperties;

		 * @brief Legend line text
		std::string _text;

		 * @brief Text color
		Color _textColor;

	 * @brief Class to describe a params legend
	class ParamsLegendProperties
		 * @brief Enumerate to know how to represent an interval in the legend
		enum IntervalInfoType {

		 * @brief Constructor

		 * @brief Destructor
		virtual ~ParamsLegendProperties(void);

		 * @brief Remove all legend lines and prepare for a next plot
		void reset(void);

		 * @brief Add a serie to the legend
		void addSerie(SeriesProperties &serie,const char *text, Color lineColor, Color symbolColor);

		 * @brief Get the associated color index from a given color
		int getColorIndex(plstream *pls, Color color);

		 * @brief Set only text option (don't show line and symbol)
		void setOnlyText(bool onlyText);

		 * @brief Legend is in only text mode?
		bool isOnlyText(void);

		 * @brief Set legend font
		void setFont(Font font);

		 * @brief Get legend font
		Font& getFont(void);

		 * @brief Set default text color
		void setDefaultTextColor(const Color& color);

		 * @brief Set legend border color
		void setBorderColor(const Color& color);

		 * @brief Get legend border color
		Color getBorderColor(void);

		 * @brief Set visibility of the border
		void setIsBorderVisible(bool boderVisible);

		 * @brief Get if the border is visible
		bool isBorderVisible(void);

		 * @brief Get if the legend is visible
		bool isVisible(void);

		 * @brief Set visibility of the legend
		void setIsVisible(bool isVisible);

		 * @brief Get legend position
		ParamsLegendPosition getPosition(void);

		 * @brief Set legend position
		void setPosition(ParamsLegendPosition position);

		 * @brief Get legend lines list
		const std::list<LegendLineProperties>& getLegendLines(void) const;

		 * @brief Get associated legend color map
		const std::vector<Color>& getColorsMap(void) const;

		 * @brief Estimate the width of the legend
		double getEstimateWidth(double charSize);

		 * @brief Get left offset
		double getLeftOffset(void);

		 * @brief Set left offset
		void setLeftOffset(double offset);

		 * @brief Legend already drawn?
		bool isDrawn(void);

		 * @brief Set legend already drawn propertie
		void setDrawn(bool drawn);

		 * @brief Set visibility of param info
		void setParamInfoVisible(bool isVisible);

		 * @brief Get visibility of param info
		bool isParamInfoVisible(void);

		 * @brief Set visibility of interval info
		void setIntervalInfoVisible(bool isVisible);

		 * @brief Get visibility of interval info
		bool isIntervalInfoVisible(void);

		 * @brief Set the type of the interval info (interval index or start/stop time)
		void setIntervalInfoType(IntervalInfoType type);

		 * @brief Get interval info type
		IntervalInfoType getIntervalInfoType(void);

		 * @brief Legend font
		Font _font;

		 * @brief Legend lines
		std::list<LegendLineProperties> _lines;

		 * @brief Legend colors
		std::vector<Color> _colors;

		 * @brief show only text
		bool _isOnlyText;

		 * @brief Default color
		Color _defaultTextColor;

		 * @brief Border visibility
		bool _isBorderVisible;

		 * @brief Border color
		Color _borderColor;

		 * @brief Legend visibility
		bool _isVisible;

		 * @brief Legend position
		ParamsLegendPosition _position;

		 * @brief Legend left offset
		double _leftOffset;

		 * @brief Legend drawn
		bool _drawn;

		 * @brief Param info visibility
		bool _isParamInfoVisible;

		 * @brief Interval info visibility
		bool _isIntervalInfoVisible;

		 * @brief Interval info type
		IntervalInfoType _intervalInfoType;