ColormapManager.hh 2.17 KB
 * ColormapManager.hh
 *  Created on: 8 nov. 2013
 *      Author: guillaume


#include <mutex>
#include <memory>
#include <map>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include "PlotCommon.hh"

namespace plot {

typedef std::map<int, std::string> ColorFileMap;

class ColormapManager {
		static const int DEFAULT_COLORMAP_0;
		static const int DEFAULT_COLORMAP_1;

		 * @brief Gets singleton instance.
		static ColormapManager& getInstance() {
			std::call_once(_instanceOnceFlag, [] {
				_instance.reset(new ColormapManager);
			return *_instance.get();

		virtual ~ColormapManager();

		 * @brief Gets color map from index
		 * @param mode : page color mode
		 * @param index : color map index
		std::string get(PlotCommon::Mode& mode, int index);

		 * @ brief Gets default color map index
		 * @param mode : page color mode
		int getDefault(PlotCommon::Mode& mode);

		 * @brief Get default color map size
		 * @param mode : page color mode
		int getDefaultSize(PlotCommon::Mode& mode);

		 * @brief Gets color map for color axis from index
		 * @param index : color map index
		std::string getColorAxis(int index);



		 * @brief Singleton unique instance
		static std::unique_ptr<ColormapManager> _instance;

		 * @brief Flag to guarantee singleton unicity.
		static std::once_flag _instanceOnceFlag;

		 * @brief Color map files map (index-file) according to page color mode
		std::map<PlotCommon::Mode, ColorFileMap> _colormap;

		 * @brief Default color map indexes according to page color mode
		std::map<PlotCommon::Mode, int> _defaultColormap;

		 * @brief Path to color map files container
		std::string _path;

		 * @brief Color map files map (index-file) according to page color mode
		ColorFileMap _coloraxis;

		 * @brief Default color map indexes for color axis
		int _defaultColorAxis;

		 * @brief Map to store default color map size
		std::map<PlotCommon::Mode, int> _defaultSize;

} //plot