GetJunoJediEnergy.hh 3.1 KB
 * GetJunoJediEnergy.hh
 *  Created on: Aug 25, 2017
 *      Author: AKKA

#ifndef GetJunoJediEnergy_HH_
#define GetJunoJediEnergy_HH_

#include "vector"

#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>

#include "AMDA_exception.hh"
#include "DicError.hh"

#include "Parameter.hh"
#include "ParamData.hh"
#include "Operation.hh"

using namespace std;
using namespace boost;
using namespace AMDA::Parameters;

namespace AMDA {
namespace JunoJedi {

namespace Base {
 * @class Base::GetJunoJediEnergy
 * @brief Compute Juno Jedi energy
		class GetJunoJediEnergy : public Operation {

			 * @brief Default Constructor.
			GetJunoJediEnergy(Process& pProcess) : Operation(pProcess) {}

			 * @brief Destructor.
			virtual ~GetJunoJediEnergy() {}

			 * @brief initialize the operation .
			 * @detail initialize the operation with information stored in pInput.getInfoList() and pAttribute.
			virtual void init(Parameter& input, Process::AttributeList& pAttribute)	= 0;


 * @class GetJunoJediEnergy
 * @brief Compute Juno Jedi energy.
template<class TParamData>
class GetJunoJediEnergy : public Base::GetJunoJediEnergy {
	 * @brief Constructor.
	 * @details Create the ParamData type of the input ParamData.
	GetJunoJediEnergy(Process& pProcess, TParamData& paramInput, const std::string& energy_band_name)
	: Base::GetJunoJediEnergy(pProcess), _paramInput(paramInput), _paramOutput(new ParamDataTab1DFloat()), _energy_band_name(energy_band_name), _look_dir(0) {

	 * @overload Base::GetJunoJediEnergy::init()
  void init(Parameter& pInput, Process::AttributeList& pAttribute) {
	try {
		_look_dir = boost::lexical_cast<int>( pAttribute[0] );
		if (_look_dir > 7) {
			_look_dir = 0;
	} catch( boost::bad_lexical_cast const& ) {
		_look_dir = 0;

	Parameter::InfoList& lInfoList = pInput.getInfoList();

	for (int mode = 0; mode < 2; ++mode) {
			for (int bin = 0; bin < 24; ++bin) {
				std::stringstream index_name; 
				index_name << _energy_band_name;
				index_name << "_";
				index_name << (mode * 6 + _look_dir);

	 * @overload Operation::write(ParamDataIndexInfo &pParamDataIndexInfo)
  void  write(ParamDataIndexInfo &pParamDataIndexInfo) {
    unsigned int index = pParamDataIndexInfo._startIndex;
    for (; index< pParamDataIndexInfo._startIndex + pParamDataIndexInfo._nbDataToProcess; index++) {

	 * @brief It is the channel of calibration.
  TParamData &_paramInput;

	 * @brief It is the channel of the data shifted.
  ParamDataTab1DFloat *_paramOutput;

  std::map<unsigned int , std::vector<float> > _energyList;

  std::string _energy_band_name;

  int _look_dir;

} /* namespace JunoJedi */
} /* namespace AMDA */
#endif /* GetJunoJediEnergy_HH_ */