2.28 KB
 *  Created on: Feb 2017 

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>

// Common include modules
#include "OutputFormatTime.hh"

#include "TimeTableCatalogFactory.hh"
#include "Application.hh"
#include <log4cxx/logger.h>

 * Logger
log4cxx::LoggerPtr _logger(

 * Shows help on std::cout.
void help() {
	std::cout << "Use : ttConversion InputFileName InputFileFormat OutputDir OutputFileName OutputFileFormat [OutputTimeFormat]" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "         OutputTimeFormat with values: ISO (default), DOYTIME,  DOUBLE, SPACES or MS" << std::endl;

 * Main for ttConversion binary.
int ttConversion(int argc, char *argv[], AMDA::helpers::Properties& /*properties*/) {

	// executable options
	if (argc < 6 || (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0)) {
		return -1;
        // Default value for time format (Option)
          AMDA::OutputFormatTime timeFormat = AMDA::OutputFormatTime::FORMAT_OUTPUT_TIME_ISO;
          if (argc >= 7) {
           // Map time enum between php and C++
           // See Request/TTRequestImpl/TTRequestDataClass.php and AMDA_Kernel/src/Common/OutputFormatTime.hh
           const string pTimeFormat = argv[6];
           if ("DOYTIME") == 0) timeFormat = AMDA::OutputFormatTime::FORMAT_OUTPUT_TIME_DOYTIME;
           else if ("DOUBLE") == 0) timeFormat = AMDA::OutputFormatTime::FORMAT_OUTPUT_TIME_DOUBLE;
           else if ("SPACES") == 0) timeFormat = AMDA::OutputFormatTime::FORMAT_OUTPUT_TIME_SPACES;
           else if ("MS") == 0) timeFormat = AMDA::OutputFormatTime::FORMAT_OUTPUT_TIME_MS;
         const string ttFormat = argv[5];
         if("SPACE") ==0)
            timeFormat= AMDA::OutputFormatTime::FORMAT_OUTPUT_TIME_ISO_Z;
          TimeTableCatalog::TimeTable ttMgr(timeFormat);
          ttMgr.convert(std::string(argv[1]), std::string(argv[2]), std::string(argv[3]), std::string(argv[4]), std::string(argv[5]));
          return 0;

 * Main function
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

	AMDA::Common::Application lMain;
	return lMain.main(argc, argv, ttConversion, true); //Skip plugin load