content.txt 2.43 KB
!1 User Story 75: DD_GetMultiParam()
!define path {../test/FitNesseRoot/ReleaseS/FirstPart/ReLease2/SprinT3/UserStory75/}
!define executable {EXE_AMDA_Kernel}
!2 Description	
Implement new DD_Client function: DD_GetMultiData() 
- get multi parameter data by one request to DD Server. 
Update DD Client library. 
Update !-ParamGet-! class.
New DD_Client package : amda.New.28122012.tar.gz (ftp)

{{{ int DD_GetMultiData(int ID, size_t VarsNumber, char **VarNames, char *TimeInt, DD_data_t **data, BackFlag); }}}
!-BackFlag-! = 0 => leave pointer at the final position when NOMOREDATA; 
!-BackFlag-! = 1 => return pointer to !-StartTime-! position (as in DD_GetData()) when NOMOREDATA

Usage example : !-SimpleTestNew.c in the new DD_Client package.-!

New DD Client communicates with NEW DD Server (to kill old Server and launch new one with !-StartServerNew-! script:, AMDA-NG.core/DDBASE)

!2 Liste des tests

!4 Tests : 

!3 ID-133 check communication with new DD Server

|reference|US 64: id 127|id test|
|note|!-Exécution du programme SimpleTest-!|
|note|La sortie standard de la commande 1 doit contenir 27 lignes|
|check|execute|!-test `wc -l ${cmd1:OUTPUT} | awk '{print $1}'` -eq 27-!|command|count1|alias|0|
|note|Afficher le temps mis par cmd1|
|check|execute|!-grep "Time elapsed: msecs" ${cmd1:OUTPUT} | sed "s/Time elapsed: msecs\(.*\)/\1/"-!|command|GetTime1|alias|0|
|note|!-Exécution du programme SimpleTestNew-!|
|note|La sortie standard de la commande 2 doit contenir 16 lignes|
|check|execute|!-test `wc -l ${cmd2:OUTPUT} | awk '{print $1}'` -eq 16-!|command|count2|alias|0|
|note|Afficher le temps mis par cmd2|
|check|execute|!-grep "Time elapsed: msecs" ${cmd2:OUTPUT} | sed "s/Time elapsed: msecs\(.*\)/\1/"-!|command|GetTime2|alias|0|
|note|La commande 2 doit s'exécuter en moins de temps que la commande 1|
|check|execute|!-echo "`cat ${GetTime1:OUTPUT}` > `cat ${GetTime2:OUTPUT}`" | bc -!|command|comp|alias|0|
|#check|execute|!-test `cat ${comp:OUTPUT}` -eq 1 -!|command|comp|alias|0|

!2 Suivi des modifications

18/10/2013: Changement du nombre de ligne à comparer pour id 127 (passage de 25 à 27 et 15 à 16).