Parameter.hh 5.1 KB
 * Parameter.hh
 *  Created on: 16 oct. 2012
 *      Author: AKKA IS


#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <map>

#include <boost/thread/future.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>

#include "DataWriter.hh"
#include "ParamDataIndexInfo.hh"
#include "TimeStamp.hh"

namespace AMDA {
namespace Parameters {

class Parameter;
class ParamOutput;
class ParamData;
class DataClient;
class ParameterManager;
class ParamInterval;
class CalibrationInfoWriter;

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Parameter> ParameterSPtr;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<ParamOutput> ParamOutputSPtr;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<ParamData> ParamDataSPtr;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<DataClient> DataClientSPtr;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<DataWriter> DataWriterSPtr;

 * AMDA::Parameters::Parameter
class Parameter {
	typedef std::set<ParameterSPtr> ParameterList;
	typedef std::list<CalibrationInfoWriter*> CalibrationInfoWriterList;
	typedef std::vector<double> InfoValues;
	typedef boost::shared_ptr<InfoValues> InfoValuesSPtr;
	typedef std::map<std::string,InfoValuesSPtr> InfoList;

    Parameter(ParameterManager& pParamMng, std::string idParam);

	virtual ~Parameter();

	// Get methods
	 * Get ParamData for DataClient
	ParamDataSPtr& getParamData(DataClient*);
	 * get sampling value in sec
	double getTimeResolution() { return _timeResolution; }

	 * get gap threshold factor
	double getGapThreshold() { return _gapThreshold; }

	 * @brief get  list of CalibrationInfoWriter
	const CalibrationInfoWriterList& getCalibrationInfoWriterList() const {	return _calibrationInfoWriterList; }
	CalibrationInfoWriterList& getCalibrationInfoWriterList() {	return _calibrationInfoWriterList; }

	 * Get additional information list.
	const InfoList& getInfoList() const{ return _infoList; }
	InfoList& getInfoList() { return _infoList; }

	// Set methods
	 * Set the DataWriter to fill the ParamData
	void setDataWriter(const DataWriterSPtr& dataWriter) { _dataWriter = dataWriter; }

	 * set sampling value in sec
	void setTimeResolution(double pTimeResolution) { _timeResolution = pTimeResolution; }

	 * set gap threshold factor
	void setGapThreshold(double pGapThreshold) { _gapThreshold = pGapThreshold; }

	 * Add additional Information values.
	void setInfoValues( std::string pInfoName, InfoValuesSPtr& pInfoValues) {
		_infoList.insert(std::pair<std::string,InfoValuesSPtr>( pInfoName, pInfoValues));

	// Others methods

    void openConnection(DataClient *);
    void closeConnection(DataClient *);

	const std::string& getId() const {
		return _id;

	const std::string& getInfoId() const {
		return _infoId;

	void setInfoId (const std::string& infoId) {
		_infoId = infoId;

	 *@brief  get _dataWriter
	 *@details can be a copy after establishConnection phase
	DataWriterSPtr& getDataWriterTemplate() {
		return _dataWriter;

	 * @brief Place interval on existing or creates
	 * @return the last time of all file object which can modify the type of ParamData of Parameter
	TimeStamp  init(DataClient* pDataClient, TimeIntervalListSPtr pTimeIntervalList);

	 * @return nbData Available or 0 if no Data
	 *  blocking operation
	boost::shared_future<ParamDataIndexInfo> getAsync(DataClient * pClient);

	ParameterManager& getParameterManager() {
		return _parameterManager;

	void addParameter(ParameterSPtr pParentParameter) { _parameterList.insert(pParentParameter); }

	ParameterList& getParameterList() {
		return _parameterList;

	void delegateOtherTaskTo(ParameterSPtr& pParam);


	typedef std::map<DataClient *,ParamInterval*> DataClientList;
	typedef std::vector<ParamInterval*> IntervalList;


	 * Id of parameter (name of xml file)
	std::string _id;

	 * info id of parameter
	std::string _infoId;

	 * The implementation is responssable to get Data
	 * This acquisition must be make by ParamGet to get data in base
	 * or Process to computed data.
	DataWriterSPtr _dataWriter;

	 * an instance of parameter manager
	ParameterManager& _parameterManager;

	ParameterList _parameterList;

	 * Stored for each DataClient, information of this DataClient (startTime, IntTime, ...)
	IntervalList  _intervalList;

	 * DataClient list , this data client used ParamData. For each DataClient, Parameter stored data of this client.
	 * The client  subscribe via openConnection. after, it's put information via init method.
	DataClientList _dataClientList
	 * when ( _clientInitCall == _dataClientList.size())  _intervalList is activ
	unsigned int _clientInitCall;

	 * ask sampling, give by xml parameter file
	double _timeResolution;

	 * ask gap threshold, give by xml parameter file
	double _gapThreshold;

	 * list of functor to write callibration info
	CalibrationInfoWriterList _calibrationInfoWriterList;

	 * List of additional information
	InfoList _infoList;

	bool establishConnectionToDo;

} /* namespace Parameters */
} /* namespace AMDA */
#endif /* PARAMETER_HH_ */