1.01 KB
!3 If the Suite attribute is set to true, the Suite button should show up on top with a break between it and the other action buttons.
Create a suite page.
|Page creator.|
|Page name.|Page contents.|page attributes|valid?|
|!-SomePage-!|any page at all|Suite=true|true|
Request the page
|Response Requester.|
Examine the requested page to ensure the correct links are displayed in the correct order.
!|Response Examiner.|
|<a href="SomePage?suite" accesskey="">Suite</a>|true|
|<a href="SomePage?edit" accesskey="e">Edit</a>|true|
|<a href="SomePage?properties" accesskey="p">Properties</a>|true|
|<a href="SomePage?whereUsed" accesskey="w">Where Used</a>|true|
|<a href="SomePage?versions" accesskey="v">Versions</a>|true|
|<a href="/files" accesskey="f">Files</a>|true|
|<a href="?searchForm" accesskey="s">Search</a>|true|
|<a href="/RecentChanges" accesskey="">Recent Changes</a>|true|
|<a href=".FitNesse.UserGuide" accesskey="">User Guide</a>|true|