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!1 User Story 42: Paramètre composé sur scalaire avec fonctions
!define path {../test/FitNesseRoot/ReleaseS/FirstPart/ReLease2/SprinT2/UserStory42/}
!define executable {amdaXMLRequestorTool}
!2 Description 

Construct and output values of composed parameter based on user defined expression with parameters simple scalar and functions

Lister les fonctions à implémenter:
* sin, cos, tan
* acos, asin, atan
* sinh, cosh, tanh
* abs, sqrt, exp, alog10, alog

!2 Liste des tests

!4 Tests : 

!3 ID-73  cos function

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 42: id 73|id test|

!3 ID-101   sin function

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 42: id 101|id test|

!3 ID 102 tan function

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 42: id 102|id test|

!3 ID 103 acos function

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 42: id 103|id test|

!3 ID 104 asin function

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 42: id 104|id test|

!3 ID 105 atan function

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 42: id 105|id test|

!3 ID 106 cosh function

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 42: id 106|id test|

!3 ID 107 sinh function

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 42: id 107|id test|

!3 ID 108 tanh function

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 42: id 108|id test|

!3 ID 109 abs function

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 42: id 109|id test|

!3 ID 110 sqrt function

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 42: id 110|id test|

!3 ID 111 exp function

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 42: id 111|id test|

!3 ID 112 alog10 function

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 42: id 112|id test|

!3 ID 113 alog function

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 42: id 113|id test|

!3 ID 114 expression complexe utilisant des fonctions

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 42: id 114|id test|

!2 suivi des modifications