CountStatisticProcess.hh 1.53 KB
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 * File:   CountStatisticProcess.hh
 * Author: AKKA 
 * Created on December 20, 2019, 1:42 PM


#include "StatisticProcess.hh"

namespace AMDA {
namespace Statistic {
namespace Count {

 * @class CountStatisticProcess
 * @brief Process to compute COUNT value
class CountStatisticProcess : public AMDA::Parameters::StatisticProcess
	 * @brief constructor
	CountStatisticProcess(AMDA::Parameters::Parameter &parameter, const int& index);

	 * @brief destructor
	virtual ~CountStatisticProcess(void);

	 * @brief create min statistic operation
	virtual void createOperation(void);

	 * @brief get UCD of the process
	std::string getUCD(void);

 * @class CountStatisticProcess
 * @brief Process to compute COUNT value
class CountNotNanStatisticProcess : public AMDA::Parameters::StatisticProcess
	 * @brief constructor
	CountNotNanStatisticProcess(AMDA::Parameters::Parameter &parameter, const int& index);

	 * @brief destructor
	virtual ~CountNotNanStatisticProcess(void);

	 * @brief create min statistic operation
	virtual void createOperation(void);

	 * @brief get UCD of the process
	std::string getUCD(void);

} // Count
} // Statistic 
} // AMDA