TimeTable.hh 5.7 KB
 * TimeTable.h
 *  Created on: 5 août 2013
 *      Author: CS

#ifndef TIMETABLE_H_
#define TIMETABLE_H_

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>

// Common include modules
#include "OutputFormatTime.hh"

#include "TimeInterval.hh"
#include "ParameterDescription.hh"
#include "log4cxx/logger.h"

namespace TimeTableCatalog {

 * TimeTable(TT) definition.
class TimeTable {

	 * ISO Time format for creation date and interval dates.
		UNKNOWN             = 0,
		YYYYMMDDThhmmssmsk  = 1,
		YYYYDOYThhmmssmsk   = 2,
		YYYYMMDDThhmmss     = 3,
		YYYYDOYThhmmss      = 4,
		YYYYMMDDThhmm       = 5,
		YYYYDOYThhmm        = 6

	TimeTable(TIME_FORMAT pFormat);
	TimeTable(AMDA::OutputFormatTime pFormat);

	 * Creates a new time table as a union of all given time table.
	static std::unique_ptr<TimeTable> merge(
			const std::vector<TimeTable>& pTimeTableList);

	 * Creates a new time table as an intersection of all given time tables.
	static std::unique_ptr<TimeTable> intersect(
			const std::vector<TimeTable>& pTimeTableList);

	 * Complementary to intersect operation.
	static std::unique_ptr<TimeTable> antiintersect(
			const std::vector<TimeTable>& pTimeTableList);

	 * Sorts time intervals according to their start date.
	void sort();

	 * Copies all intervals of a list of time tables into a unique time table.
	void group(const std::vector<TimeTable>& pTimeTableList);

	 * Reads a TT.
	void read(const std::string& pPath, const std::string& ptype);

	 * Writes a TT.
	std::string write(const std::string& pPath, const std::string& ptype, const std::string& pName="") const;

	 * Reads a time table and writes it into another format.
	void convert(const std::string& pInPath, const std::string& pInType,
	             const std::string& pOutPath, const std::string& pName, const std::string& pOutType);

	 * Unset current TT.
	void clear();

	 * Adds an interval to the TT interval list.
	void addInterval(const TimeInterval& pInterval);

	 * Gets intervals from TT.
	const std::vector<TimeInterval>& getIntervals() const {
		return _intervals;

	 * Gets last intervals from TT.
	TimeInterval * getLastInterval() {
		if (_intervals.empty()) {
			return NULL;
		return &(_intervals.back());

	 * Gets number of intervals in TT.
	int getIntervalNumber() const;

	 * Downloads distant timetable file in tmp directory.
	static std::string download(const std::string& pPath);

	 * Retrieve parameter descriptions list
	const ParameterDescriptionList& getParameterDescritptions() const {
		return _parameterDescritptions;

	 * Retrieve last parameter descriptions
	ParameterDescription * getLastParameterDescritption() {
		return &_parameterDescritptions.back();

	 * TT metadata name.
	std::string _name;

	 * TT metadata creation date.
	double _creationDate;

	 * TT metadata description
	std::vector<std::string> _description;

	 * TT metadata history
	std::string _history;

	 * TT creation date and interval dates ISO format (with or without msk)
	TIME_FORMAT _timeFormat;
	 * TT creation date and interval dates extented format
	AMDA::OutputFormatTime _extTimeFormat;
	 * TT modification date.
	double _modificationDate;
                    *  ListStartDate => start date of the survey 
                    double _listStartDate;
                    *  ListStopDate => stop date of the survey 
                    double _listStopDate;
                     *  contact 
                    std::string _contact;
                     *  contactID spase contact id 
                    std::string _contactID;
                     * EventTableVersion version of the format 
                    std::string _eventTableVersion;
                     *  listID : spase id of the ccatalog if existe
                    std::string _listID; 


	 * Additional parameters descriptions used by Catalog class
	 * these descriptions are not accessible through the Time table class
	ParameterDescriptionList _parameterDescritptions;


	 * Logger
	static log4cxx::LoggerPtr _logger;

	 * Returns a merged interval list.
	static std::unique_ptr<std::vector<TimeInterval>> merge(
			const std::vector<TimeInterval>& pTimeIntervalsList);

	 * Fills an interval list with all non intersections between the two given time tables.
	static void antiintersect(const TimeTable& ptt1, const TimeTable& ptt2,
			std::vector<TimeInterval>& pIntersetedIntervals);

	 * Fills an interval list with all intersections between the two given time tables.
	static void intersect(const TimeTable& ptt1, const TimeTable& ptt2,
			std::vector<TimeInterval>& pIntersetedIntervals);

	 * Sorts a list of interval according to their start date.
	static void sort(std::vector<TimeInterval>& pIntervals);

	 * TT intervals
	std::vector<TimeInterval> _intervals;


std::string join(const std::vector<std::string>& pvalues,
		const std::string& pseparator);

size_t write_data(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream);

} /* namespace TimeTableCatalog */
#endif /* TIMETABLE_H_ */