ParamFlow.hh 2.07 KB
 * ParamFlow.hh
 *  Created on: Jan 18, 2013
 *      Author: f.casimir


#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>

#include <CThreadDeque.hh>

namespace AMDA {
	namespace DDServerInterface {

	class VirtualInstrumentInterval;

		namespace VI {

			typedef class Packet* PacketPtr;

			 * @class ParamFlow.
			 * @brief Represent a flow of a couple time and data asked for one Parameter of a Virtual Instrument.
			 * @details This flow is implement with a thread safe dequeue of Packet.
			 * This class is a listener of the class VirtualInstrumentInterval.
			class ParamFlow {
				 * @brief Constructor.
				 * @brief Constructor.
				virtual ~ParamFlow();
				 * @details Sometimes, when StartTime is smaller than GlobalStartTime VirtualInstrumentInterval recompute the TimeInt.
				 * So this method returns VirtualInstrumentInterval::_timeInt.
//				const double& getTimeInt() const;
				 * @brief This method waits for the arrival of a new pack.
				 * @return Packet or null.
				PacketPtr get();
				 * @return the Packet already in the dequeue or null.
				PacketPtr tryGet() { return _packetList.tryToPop(nullptr); }
				 * @brief Push Packet to the internal dequeue.
				void push(PacketPtr pPacket) { return _packetList.push(pPacket); }

				 * @brief Identify at any time if a TimeInterval is not processed.
				 * @note This value must be retrieved from VirtualInstrumentInterval instance.
				bool isTimeIntToProcessChanged ();

				 * @brief true when therer is no more time intervals to process.
				bool isNoMoreTimeInt();

				CThreadDeque<PacketPtr> _packetList; /*!< List of Packet */
				VirtualInstrumentInterval&      _vi; /*!< Reference to the VirtualInstrumentInterval */
			typedef boost::shared_ptr<ParamFlow>  ParamFlowSPtr;

		} /* namespace VI */
	} /* namespace DDServerInterface */
} /* namespace AMDA */
#endif /* PARAMFLOW_HH_ */