ParseMainArguments.hh 2.86 KB
 * ParseMainArguments.hh
 *  Created on: 15 oct. 2012
 *      Author: AKKA IS


#include <string>
#include <exception>
#include "log4cxx/logger.h"

#include "AMDA_exception.hh"
#include "OutputFormatTime.hh"

namespace AMDA {
namespace Main {

 * Exception specific for ParseMainArguments
struct parseArg_error: virtual AMDA::AMDA_exception { };

class ParseMainArguments {

	 * @brief Equivalent typedef to ParamOutputASCIIFile::InfoNammeList.
	typedef std::vector<std::string> CalibrationInfoNameList;
    * Constructor
    * Return an exception if parse error
    ParseMainArguments(int arcg, char *argv[]) ;

     * help message
    static void printHelp(const char *name);

     * Getter of intervalTime
	const std::string& getIntervalTime() const {
		return intervalTime;

     * Getter of paramName
	const std::string& getParamName() const {
		return paramName;

     * Getter of startTime
	const std::string& getStartTime() const {
		return startTime;

     * Getter of _workPath
	const std::string& getWorkPath() const {
		return _workPath;

	 * if true, arg erreur we must stop process
	bool isStopProcess() const {
		return _stopProcess;

	OutputFormatTime getFormatOutputTime() const {
		return _formatOutputTime;

	float getSampling() const {
		return _sampling;

	void setSampling(float sampling) {
		_sampling = sampling;

	const std::string& getSamplingMode() const {
		return _samplingMode;

	void setSamplingMode(const std::string& samplingMode) {
		_samplingMode = samplingMode;

	float getGapThreshold() const {
		return _gapThreshold;

	const CalibrationInfoNameList& getCalibrationInfoNameList() const {
		return _calibrationInfoNameList;


	static log4cxx::LoggerPtr logger;

    int parse(int argc,  char *argv[]);

     * paramName in arguments list
    std::string paramName;

     * start time in arguments list
    std::string startTime;

     * interval of time in arguments list
    std::string intervalTime;
     * if true stopProcess
    bool _stopProcess;
     * type of output time fomat
    OutputFormatTime _formatOutputTime;

    float _sampling;
    std::string _samplingMode;

     * gap Threshold
    float _gapThreshold;

     * work path in arguments list
    std::string _workPath;

     * @brief Calibration Information name to set ParamOutputASCIIFile::InfoNammeList.
    CalibrationInfoNameList _calibrationInfoNameList;
} /* namespace Main */
} /* namespace AMDA */