content.txt 2.94 KB
!1 User Story 41: Paramètre composé utilisateur sur vecteur
!define path {../test/FitNesseRoot/ReleaseS/FirstPart/ReLease2/SprinT2/UserStory41/}
!define executable {EXE_AMDA_Kernel}
!2 Description	
Construct and output values of composed parameter based on user defined expression with arithmetic operators and parameters simple vectoriels

!2 Liste des tests

!4 Tests : 

!3 ID-77  doc de conception mise a jour

!3 ID-76  scalar product

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 41: id 76|id test|
|execute|${executable}|command|-f iso -p expression_scalar_product -s 2008000003500000 -d 0000000120000000|args|

!3 ID-116 vector product

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 41: id 116|id test|
|execute|${executable}|command|-f iso -p expression_vector_product -s 2008000003500000 -d 0000000120000000|args|

!3 ID-117 scalar * vector

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 41: id 117|id test|
|execute|${executable}|command|-f iso -p expression_scalar_fois_vector -s 2008000003500000 -d 0000000120000000|args|

!3 scalar + vector

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 41: id 118|id test|
|execute|${executable}|command|-f iso -p expression_scalar_plus_vector -s 2008000003500000 -d 0000000120000000|args|

!3 scalar - vector

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 41: id 119|id test|
|execute|${executable}|command|-f iso -p expression_scalar_moins_vector -s 2008000003500000 -d 0000000120000000|args|

!3 normailze vector

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 41: id 120|id test|
|execute|${executable}|command|-f iso -p expression_normalize_vector -s 2008000003500000 -d 0000000120000000|args|

!2 Suivit des modifications
 * dans le fichier test_41_76.txt
   remplacement de la dernière ligne de
      2008-01-01T12:35:00.000  -13.283
      2008-01-01T12:35:00.000  -13.137

 * dans le fichier test_41_116.txt
   remplacement de la dernière ligne de
2008-01-01T12:35:00.000  -13.708   23.868   34.953
2008-01-01T12:35:00.000  -13.622   35.023   23.895