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!1 User Story 07: Paramètre composé utilisateur sur scalaire, avec opération simple et expression simple
!define path {../test/FitNesseRoot/ReleaseS/FirstPart/ReLease2/SprinT2/UserStory07/}
!define executable {amdaXMLRequestorTool}
!2 Description

construct and output values of composed parameter based on user defined expression with one arithmetic operator and parameters simple.

Available operators for this US are: +, -, *, /, ^

The expression contain only one operator (for example: paramA + paramB)

Validation formule
!2 Liste des tests

!3 ID-71  doc de conception mise a jour

!3 ID 72: Operation scalar + constant

Input: expression_plus_1 (paramID)
!-StartTime-!: '2008000003000000\0'
!-TimeInt-!: '0000001000000000\0'

Output: ascii file
!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 07: id 72|id test|

!3 ID 83: Operation constant + scalar

Input: expression_plus_2 (paramID)
!-StartTime-!: '2008000003000000\0'
!-TimeInt-!: '0000001000000000\0'

Output: Identique à la sortie du test d’acceptaion ID72

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 07: id 83|id test|

!3 ID 84: Operation scalarA + scalarB

Input: expression_plus_3 (paramID)
!-StartTime-!: '2008000003000000\0'
!-TimeInt-!: '0000001000000000\0'
Output: ascii file

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 07: id 84|id test|

!3 ID 85: Operation scalar - constant

Input: expression_moins_1 (paramID)
!-StartTime-!: '2008000003000000\0'
!-TimeInt-!: '0000001000000000\0'
Output: ascii file

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 07: id 85|id test|

!3 ID 86: Operation constant - scalar

Input: expression_moins_2 (paramID)
!-StartTime-!: '2008000003000000\0'
!-TimeInt-!: '0000001000000000\0'
Output: ascii file

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 07: id 86|id test|

!3 ID 87: Operation scalarA - scalarB

Input: expression_moins_3 (paramID)
!-StartTime-!: '2008000003000000\0'
!-TimeInt-!: '0000001000000000\0'
Output: ascii file

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 07: id 87|id test|

!3 ID 88: Operation constant*scalar

Input: expression_fois_1 (paramID)
!-StartTime-!: '2008000003000000\0'
!-TimeInt-!: '0000001000000000\0'
Output: ascii file

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 07: id 88|id test|

!3 ID 89: Operation scalar*constant

Input: expression_fois_2 (paramID)
!-StartTime-!: '2008000003000000\0'
!-TimeInt-!: '0000001000000000\0'
Output: Identique à la sortie du test d’acceptaion ID88

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 07: id 89|id test|

!3 ID 90: Operation scalarA*scalarB

Input: expression_fois_3 (paramID)
!-StartTime-!: '2008000003000000\0'
!-TimeInt-!: '0000001000000000\0'
Output: ascii file

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 07: id 90|id test|

!3 ID 91: Operation scalar/constant

Input: expression_div_1 (paramID)
!-StartTime-!: '2008000003000000\0'
!-TimeInt-!: '0000001000000000\0'
Output: ascii file

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 07: id 91|id test|

!3 ID 92: Operation constant/scalar

Input: expression_div_2 (paramID)
!-StartTime-!: '2008000013000000\0'
!-TimeInt-!: '0000001000000000\0'
Output: ascii file
Attention!! Le start time de la requète est différent de celui des tests précedents (ceci afin de se retrouver dans le cas où le scalaire vaut 0)

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 07: id 92|id test|

!3 ID 93: Operation scalarA/scalarB

Input: expression_div_3 (paramID)
!-StartTime-!: '2008000003000000\0'
!-TimeInt-!: '0000001000000000\0'
Output: ascii file

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 07: id 93|id test|

!3 ID 94: Operation scalar^constant

Input: expression_pow_1 (paramID)
!-StartTime-!: '2008000003000000\0'
!-TimeInt-!: '0000001000000000\0'
Output: ascii file

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 07: id 94|id test|

!3 ID 95: Operation constant^scalar

Input: expression_pow_2 (paramID)
!-StartTime-!: '2008000003000000\0'
!-TimeInt-!: '0000001000000000\0'
Output: ascii file

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 07: id 95|id test|

!3 ID 96: Operation scalarA^scalarB

Input: expression_pow_3 (paramID)
!-StartTime-!: '2008000003000000\0'
!-TimeInt-!: '0000001000000000\0'

Output: ascii file

Attention!! Par rapport aux autres tests de cette story, ce test correspond plutôt à scalarB^scalarA

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 07: id 96|id test|

!2 Suivit des modifications
 * test ID 84:
dernière ligne 
2008-01-02T00:30:00.000 190.644
remplacer par
2008-01-02T00:30:00.000 190.144

 * test ID 87:
dernière ligne 
2008-01-02T00:30:00.000 191.644
remplacer par
2008-01-02T00:30:00.000 192.144

 * test ID 90:
dernière ligne 
2008-01-02T00:30:00.000   -95.572
remplacer par
2008-01-02T00:30:00.000   -191.144

 * test ID 93:
dernière ligne 
2008-01-02T00:30:00.000   -0.003
remplacer par
2008-01-02T00:30:00.000   -0.005

 * test ID 96:
dernière ligne 
2008-01-02T00:30:00.000  7.233e-02
remplacer par
2008-01-02T00:30:00.000   5.231e-03