896 Bytes
<h1>EPIC ICS : high resolution channels</h1>
<li> <i>flux ave</i> : averaged over two heads ("open" flux only)
<li> <i>flux ave : omni</i> : averaged over two heads and all sectors ("open" flux only)
<li> <i>flux ave : "ward"</i> : averaged over two heads and 3 corresponding sectors ("open" flux only)
<li> <i>flux : head</i>
<li> <i>apperture flag : head</i>
<h2>Averaging over two heads : procedure</h2>
<li>if both heads are open (without foil : flag = 1) - average ('FluxAve')</li>
<li>if both heads are closed ( foil or foil + grid : flag =0[2] ) - average ('FluxAveFoil')</li>
<li>if one of the heads is open[closed] - it is put into 'FluxAve'['FluxAveFoil']</li>
<p>0°, 22.5°, 45°, 67.5°, 90°, 112.5°, 135°,
157.5°, 180°, 202.5°, 225°, 247.5°, 270°,
292.5°, 315°, 337.5°;</p>