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<h1>IMA Ion Moments</h1>
<p>IMA ion moments are calculated in IRAP using Andrei Fedorov procedure.</p>
<p>Measurements before May 2007 starts from Energy = 300 eV.</p>
<p>IMA/MEX operates in two modes -16 / 2 elevation angles (averaged). In <i>2 elevations</i> mode the quailty flag
value is undefined (== 0).</p>
<p>Density quality flag values :</p>
<li><b>0.0:</b> Undefined (2 elevation angles mode)</li>
<li><b>0.0 - 0.6:</b> Poor</li>
<li><b>0.6 - 0.8:</b> Acceptable</li>
<li><b>0.8 - 0.9:</b> Good</li>
<li><b>0.9 - 1.0:</b> Excellent</li>
<p>MEX IMA protons and heavy ions number density could be considered reliable only in the case when corresponding
quality flag (<b><i>moments_quality_factor</i></b>) is greater than 0.6 and density values themselves are greater
than 0.01 cm-3</p>
<p>It is highly recommended to download quality flag along with IMA ion densities.</p>
<p>Due to instrument limitations IMA/MEX measures protons with the energies higher than 1 keV. If possible the proton
parameters are reconsructed from the <a target='new' href='help/auto/img/mex_ima.png'>ghost' distribution