cass-saturn-orb 1.79 KB
<h1>Cassini : orbit reference frames in AMDA</h1>

Body-fixed frame.
Kronocentric Solar Orbital Coordinates<br/> 
KSO is a cartesian Saturn-centered coordinate system where X points
from Saturn to the Sun, Z is parallel to Saturn's orbital plane
upward normal, and Y completes the right handed set</li>
      Kronocentric Solar Magnetospheric Coordinates <br/> 
      KSM is a cartesian Saturn-center coordinate system where X points 
      from Saturn to the Sun, the X-Z plane contains Saturn's centered 
      magnetic dipole axis, M, and Y completes right handed set.

   For consistency with the custom software at the PPI Node of PDS
   the Saturn's centered magnetic dipole axis is set to 180 degrees 
   longitude, 89.99 degrees latitude in the IAU_SATURN frame. Note that
   other source make assume that the dipole axis is 
   parallel to the spin axis.
Kronocentric body-fixed, J2000 spherical Coordinates<br/> 

KRTP magnetic field vector components form the standard right-handed
spherical triad (R, Theta, Phi) for a planet-centered system.
Namely, R is radial (along the line from the center of Saturn to the
center of the spacecraft), and positive away from Saturn. Phi, the
azimuthal component, is parallel to the Kronographic equator (Omega
x R) and positive in the direction of corotation. Theta, the
'southward' component, completes the right-handed set.</li> <hr/>
Saturn Equatorial System Frame<br/>
      The primary axis, labeled Z, is parallel to the Saturn spin
      axis.  The Y-axis is then defined as the cross product of 
      this vector with the Saturn-Sun vector.  The X-axis completes
      the right-handed system and is directed "towards" the Sun