Merge Request #19
created by
Fix import
Added 63 new commits:
- 4d8812b3 - Merge branch 'master' of
- d173bd15 - modif page accueil et css
- d95e8421 - ws transfer : initial
- 8e40a14d - new vars in desktop
- cdf22cdd - message window corrected, files transfer corrected
- 6a449df8 - message format
- 7034023d - infoMsgLong class with scrollbar
- 3aab6027 - help first update
- 6586e8e0 - Prefered => Preferred
- d00ae159 - help second commit
- 25d64015 - css h3
- 2bdc0416 - ABC
- 52c272ad - data download
- 00f75d44 - small format
- 311d79dc - downTT
- 4cf89268 - plot screenshots
- 3acc31af - plot screenshots
- eeb73206 - plotobjects
- ae53a73f - plotobjects
- c071d3b4 - plotPage
- cedf0315 - plotLayout
- 655e355f - disable "predefined" form fields
- 7d5742d0 - cdf attribute info
- 75a3182b - special MyDataParamNode methods - from InteractiveNode.js to MyDataParamNode.js
- 19955040 - sort MyData params alphabetically
- 3d7c42ed - disable fields predefined, add attributes
- 8f00a4d9 - correct GlobalStart GlobalStop
- fe516999 - nc attributes
- a5c6d5eb - \0 for char attribute
- 73625886 - added auto, manual sampling definition for all formats, cleaned up code extjs
- 7d539a8c - server side modifs
- b530f31f - remote sites from json
- 905a78e2 - numberfield for sampling
- 38ec1ca0 - Merge branch 'master' into upload_cdf_upgrade
- 48a8a598 - merge with master
- 8a2ebb69 - Merge branch 'upload_cdf_upgrade' into 'master'
- 1798cae0 - delete obsolete
- 05961422 - permissions on dirs
- a0ca0101 - permissions dir
- a57a2aa5 - Merge branch 'remote_bases' into 'master'
- cb36b2fe - proper dirs perms
- 410b9d9f - chmod
- f1ff330b - https is not implemented for URL file size definition
- d5e126d3 - Fix typo
- cb32ce86 - mkdir PATAMS in case of THEMIS
- b99f1ab7 - no MAPSKP
- 4414dcad - mkdir Remotedata/PARAMS
- 23b555f1 - help : remote: observations
- 514ba959 - tt help updated
- d77eac71 - operation tt help updated
- a32b79f8 - typo
- 9fb65ac8 - help layout draft
- cc9c44ec - layuot help corr
- 90ffaaa5 - layout and fonts
- 209e557c - change range help
- 0e03919b - Add min, max, var, median, rms, skew, ceil, floor, fix and sign functions
- ab55087c - idl => math
- 04eef959 - Merge branch 'master' into ws_transfert
- 167bd1f8 - Merge branch 'ws_transfert' into 'master'
- 08a89462 - convert old user ws
- e1e55d6e - small modifs
- 7edcc42d - merge master
- 42356ea1 - Merge branch 'master' into fix-import
Status changed to merged
mentioned in commit 090d1bc7c0956772aa28680e540f482d4a9834a5
27 Jun, 2018
2 commits
26 Jun, 2018
3 commits
25 Jun, 2018
1 commit
14 Jun, 2018
1 commit
11 Jun, 2018
1 commit
01 Jun, 2018
3 commits
31 May, 2018
3 commits
30 May, 2018
1 commit