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IceMag 1.96 KB

<h2>ICE Magnetometer (MAG) data at AMDA </h2>

Source: <a href="" TARGET=_BLANK>PDS: Small Bodies</a><br/><br/>
<b> Principal Investigator(s): E.J.Smith; data provided by J. Wolf</b><br/> 
The vector helium magnetometer is mounted on the                        
      end of a 3 m boom and makes in-situ measurements of                     
      the ambient magnetic field vector in the frequency                      
      range 0-3 Hz.  The instrument automatically chooses                     
      one of eight ranges in which to operate, the four                       
      lowest full-scale ranges being +/-4, +/- 14, +/-42,                     
      and +/- 146 nT.  The precision of measurement is                        
      1/256 of the full-scale field values (0.016, 0.055                      
      nT, etc.).  The absolute accuracy is limited by                         
      knowledge of the spacecraft magnetic field, which                       
      is presently known to better than 0.1 nT.  The time                     
      resolution corresponds to three triaxial samples                        
      per second at 1024 bit/s .  The magnetometer                            
      contains a three- channel spectrum analyzer which                       
      is connected to the search-coil sensor of the                           
      plasma- wave investigation."         
 The comet centered coordinate (CSE) system used   
 in these measurements is a right handed coordinate system.   
 It is defined   
 so that the coordinate system has its origin at the comet's nucleus, with    
 the XSE-axis from the nucleus to the sun, the YSE-axis parallel to the       
 ecliptic plane in the direction of retrograde planetary motion.   
 The ZSE- axis completes the coordinate system such that at the time of  's       
 passage through the ecliptic plane it points to the ecliptic north.