parameterHelp 2.02 KB
<h2><img src="js/resources/images/16x16/edit.png" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;"/> Constructing a New Parameter : <i>Create / Modify Parameter Module</i></h2>
<h3> Constructing parameter </h3>
To construct a new parameter from the existing ones use <b><i>Create/Modify Parameter</i></b> module.  
<b><i>Drag</i></b> the parameter[s] from the Parameter Tree and <b><i>drop</i></b>  
it onto the <b><i>Construct Parameter</i></b> area.
<img class="centered" src="help/images/derived1.png">
In the example above the parameters  <b><i>bx</i></b> and <b><i>bz</i></b> are displayed in the  
text area as the unique AMDA parameter identifiers <b><i>imf(0)</i></b> and <b><i>imf_gsm(3)</i></b>.
<hr><p>While constructing you may use <b><i>Tools For Parameter Construction</i></b> -
for example  - <b><i>Functions</i></b>:<br/><br/> 
<img class="centered" src="help/images/derived2.png"><br/> 
To combine  different AMDA parameters which possibly have different sampling times
you have to specify new parameter sampling  (or <b><i>Time Step</i></b>).<br/><p>
Depending on original samplings, AMDA parameters used in the expression will be averaged or interpolated to create 
new parameter with the requested time resolution.
AMDA parameter's sampling times as well as valid globalStart/globalStop intervals
are shown in the tooltip opened when the mouse is over the corresponding dataset of the WorkSpace Explorer Parameters subtree.
<hr><p>After clicking the <b>Save</b> button new parameter is added to the <b><i>Derived 
Parameters</i></b> tree.
From now you can treat it (plot, download, data mining) as if it were real one. 
<hr><h3>Context menu</h3>
<img align="right" src ="help/images/derived3.png" style="margin: 0px 15px 10px 10px;"/>
You may group your parameters in the folders: 
use context menu which is opened on right mouse click 
on any folder node of the Derived Parameters  subtree.<br/><hr>
To edit, rename, delete derived parameter use context menu opened on right mouse click
on the parameter node.