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<h2><img src="js/resources/images/32x32/fav_amda.png"/>Welcome To AMDA</h2> 
<i>release date : 2018-07-01</i>
 <li><img src="js/resources/images/16x16/view_tree.png" width=24/> WorkSpace Explorer
 <li>Amda DataBase Parameter 
 tree is constructed automatically from Amda SPASE Registry. Info <img src="js/resources/images/16x16/info_mini.png"/> 
 is generated for all Mission/Instrument/DataSet nodes. 
  <li><img src="js/resources/images/64x64/edit.png" width=24/> Create/Modify Parameter <br/>
  <li>Interface hasn't changed but all the calculations are made by the new kernel  
  <li>Any parameter type (scalar, vector, array) can be used for parameter construction
 <li><img src="js/resources/images/64x64/plot.png" width=24/> Plot <br/> Plot module has a lot of new features,
  and a completely new interface. Use Plot help ("?" in the right upper corner of Plot Interface ) to learn more 
   <li><img src="js/resources/images/64x64/statistics.png" width=24/> Statistics 
   <li>This new module produces output in a form of catalog : Start - Stop - Parameter Statistics Value.
   Note that statistics can be calculated for <i>any</i> parameter type ( scalar, vector, array).
   <li>List of statistics functions will be extended.
  <li><img src="js/resources/images/64x64/catalog.png" width=24/> Catalog Editor
  <li>This new module extends the TimeTable editor. 
  <li>You may open the Catalog Editor from context menu of the Amda Tree (<i>Edit Catalog</i>) or double-click a catalog in the tree
  <li>To create a new catalog click Catalog Editor icon on the desktop to open an empty form
  <li><img src="js/resources/images/64x64/visu_catalog.png" width=24/> Catalog Visualization
  <li>The new module. Open it from context menu or Catalog Editor module.
  <li>Click of icon on desktop opens an empty form. 
  Drag/drop of catalog name onto the form isn't implemented yet.
  <li><img src="js/resources/images/64x64/search.png" width=24/> Data Mining <br/>
  <li>Interface hasn't changed but all the calculations are made by new kernel 
  <li><img src="js/resources/images/64x64/download_manager.png" width=24/> Download<br/>
  <li> New file formats
  <li> New option <i>Use first param as reference for sampling</i> 
  <li> New option <img src="js/resources/images/16x16/edit.png"/> selecting component of the array
  <li><img src="js/resources/images/64x64/interop.png" width=24/>Interoperability
  <li> EPNTAP
  <li> Access to Remote DataBases : THEMIS, CDAWEB
  <li> SAMP