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<h2><img src="js/resources/images/16x16/view_tree.png" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;"/>WorkSpace Explorer : Jobs Tree</h2>
<img src="help/images/jobs_1.png" align="left" style="margin: 0px 15px 0px 0px;" />
<p><h3>Starting Job</h3>
The situation often arises when your request is too long to be processed interactively. 
In such a case it is forked into <b><i>a batch mode</i></b>. 
"Too long" means 5 sec for Data Mining, Data Downloading
and Plotting in PDF/PS formats. In the case of Interactive Plot Session (PNG Plot output) this time is increased
up to 500 sec.
<p>If <b><i>a batch mode</i></b> is forked  you receive a warning message, new
<b><i>job node</i></b> is added to the corresponding folder in the <b><i>Jobs In Progress</i></b> tree of
<b><i>Jobs Tab</i></b> and job information is added into <b><i>Log</i></b> as well.
Job name is constructed by adding of the <i>Process ID</i> to the "job" prefix.
In case of an error you may always kill your job by opening context menu (right click on job name) and selecting <b>Stop/Delete Job</b>
You may continue with the other tasks in AMDA, or logout. 
Usefull information on your job is shown in tooltip while the mouse is over the corresponding job node.
<img src="help/images/jobs_2.png" align="right" style="margin: 15px 10px 15px 10px;" />
<hr><h3> Finished Job</h3> 
When your job is finished 
you receive info message,
<b><i>job node</i></b> is moved from <b><i>Jobs In Progress</i></b> 
into <b><i>Finished Jobs / Results</i></b> folder 
and <b><i>Log</i></b> information is updated.
To access the job result right click the job name and select <b>Show Result</b> item from the context menu.
Think of regular deleting of the old results (<b>Delete Result</b>) - not to explose your WS...