filters 2.11 KB
<h2><img src="js/resources/images/16x16/filter.png" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;"/> Resources Tree : Filtering</h2> 
<p>To reduce the size of the Parameter Tree use the <i>Filter Feature</i>.<br/>
<h3>Creating a Filter</h3>
<li> Click <img src="help/images/edit.png"/> to open the <b>Filter Control Panel</b>.
<img  class="centered" src="help/images/filter_0.png" style="margin: 10px 10px 10px 0px;"/> 
<li> Click <b>Add</b> button.
<img  class="centered" src="help/images/filter_1.png" style="margin: 10px 10px 10px 10px;"/> 
<li><b>Right click</b>  on a filter group (<i>Local Parameters, Simulation Parameters)</i> to open
context menu. Click <b>Add</b> to add a condition.
<img  class="centered" src="help/images/filter_2.png" style="margin: 10px 10px 10px 0px;"/> 
<li> <b>Double click</b> consequently the three areas of emphasized row to see the list of possible filters / conditions / values.
<img  class="centered" src="help/images/filter_3.png" style="margin: 10px 10px 10px 0px;"/>
<li> You may combine several conditions in one filter. <b>Right click</b> an emphasized row to open context menu and select 
<b>Insert</b> option.
<img  class="centered" src="help/images/filter_4.png" style="margin: 10px 10px 10px 10px;"/>
<li>Add additional condition to filter parameter tree. You may use <b>AND</b> or <b>OR</b> logical
<img  class="centered" src="help/images/filter_5.png" style="margin: 10px 10px 10px 10px;"/>
<li> Name the new filter and click <b>Save</b> button to save your modifications. 
<img  class="centered" src="help/images/filter_6.png" style="margin: 10px 10px 10px 10px;"/>
<li> Click <b>Apply</b> button to apply current filter to the Workspace Explorer - and get the filtered tree.
<img  class="centered" src="help/images/filter_7.png" style="margin: 10px 10px 10px 10px;"/>
<li> It is very easy to filter your parameter tree with different filters you have created  
- just click its name in the list.
To unset filtering click <img src="help/images/cancel.png"/>
<img  class="centered" src="help/images/filter_8.png" style="margin: 10px 10px 10px 10px;"/>