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 <h2> MESSENGER data at AMDA </h2>


  <li> MESSENGER Magnetometer and Ephemeris data are taken from the PDS (Planetary Data System), 
           <a href="" TARGET=_BLANK>site</a>.

  <li> Datasets available :
    <li> <b>Venus_Flyby</b> : 2007-06-04T00:01:37.122 to 2007-06-07T00:01:29.269
    <li> <b>Flyby_1</b> : Mercury flyby : 2008-01-12T00:00:23.906 to 2008-01-17T00:01:42.891
    <li> <b>Flyby_2</b> : Mercury flyby : 2008-10-04T00:00:04.409 to 2008-10-09T00:00:33.468
    <li> <b>Flyby_3</b> : Mercury flyby : 2009-09-27T00:00:58.328 to 2009-10-02T00:01:19.789. </br>
                          Missing data from 2009-09-29T21:48:36.728 to 2009-10-01T17:14:29.616.
    <li> <b>Orbit</b> : Mercury orbit : 2011-03-31T00:00:08.889 to 2011-05-18T00:00:09.777

  <li> Coordinates : 
    <li> <b>VSO</b> : Venus solar orbital coordinates - X directed from the center of the planet toward the Sun, Z is normal to the Venus orbital plane and positive toward the north celestial pole, Y is positive in the direction opposite to orbital motion.
    <li> <b>MSO</b> : Mercury solar orbital coordinates - In this coordinate system, the +X-axis points toward the Sun, +Z points northward perpendicular to Mercury's orbit plane, and Y completes the right hand system nominally directed opposite Mercury's orbital velocity around the Sun.
    <li> <b>MBF</b> : Mercury body fixed coordinates - The MBF coordinate system is defined by the planetocentric position, Cartesian X, Y, Z coordinates related to the planetocentric distance, latitude measured positive northward from the equator, and longitude measured positive eastward from the prime meridian.
    <li> <b>RTN</b> : Radial-Tangential-Normal coordinates - R point from Sun center to the spacecraft, T is formed by the cross product of the solar rotatio axis and R and lies in the solar equatorial plane, N is formed by the cross product of R and T and is the projection of the solar rotational axis on the plane of the sky.

        <TH align="center"> Source </TH>
        <TH align="center"> Datasets </TH>
        <TH align="center"> Status </TH>
        <TH align="center"> Last Update </TH>
        <TD> <a href="" TARGET=_BLANK>MESSMAGDATA_2001</a> </TD>
        <TD> Venus_Flyby - Flyby_1 - Flyby_2 - Flyby_3 - Orbit</TD>
        <TD> Certified  </TD>
        <TD> 2011-10-27</TD>
