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<h2>Working with epn-tap module</h2>

<p>The epn-tap module aims to access remote databases compatibles with the epntap standard, such as APIS, BASECOM and many <a href="">many other services</a>.</p>

<h3>Opening epn-tap window</h3>

<p>There are two ways to open the epn-tap window.</p>

<h4>A. From the Interop module</h4>

<p>Open the Interop module by clicking to its icon:</p>

<img src="help/images/epntap_interop_icon.png"/>

<p>Then select the epn-tap tab:</p>

<img src="help/images/epntap_tab.png"/>

<h4>B. From the AMDA tree</h4>

<p>On the AMDA tree, right-click on a mission, then select "Display EPN-TAP services":</p>

<img src="help/images/epntap_from_tree.png"/>

<p>This will open the epntap tab of the interop module, with some fields automatically filled according to the item selected in the AMDA tree.</p>

<h3>The filter panel</h3>

<p>The top part of the epntap window is the services filter. It aims to display all services proposing some specific data.</p>

<img src="help/images/epntap_filter.png"/>

<p>On this on you can specify:</p>

    <li>The target name (1), such as Earth, Titan, illu67P, etc. Some suggestions will appear if you start typing.</li>
    <li>The product type (2), such as image, spectrum, catalog, etc. You can select several of them by holding Ctrl key.</li>
    <li>The time interval (3). You can specifiy start and stop time, as well as duration.</li>

<p>When finished, clic on the "Get services" button to display all services proposing data corresponding to the filter</p>

<h3>The services panel</h3>

<p>The left panel displays all services proposing data corresponding to the filter.</p>

<img src="help/images/epntap_services_panel.png"/>

<p>You can see the number of results for each services and several other usefull informations about the serices on the tooltip.</p>

<p>Clic on a service to display the results.</p>

<h3>The granules panel</h3>

<p>The granules corresponding to the filter and the selected service ar displayed in the main panel:</p>

<img src="help/images/epntap_granules_panel.png"/>

<p>By default, you may have:</p>

    <li>data type;</li>
    <li>time min and time max;</li>
    <li>instrument name;</li>
    <li>URL (click on the icon to open data in a new tab);</li>
    <li>data file size;</li>
    <li>processing level;</li>
    <li>granule identifier;</li>
    <li>observatory identifier;</li>
    <li>data thumbnail, if any (a bigger image is available in the tooltip).</li>

<p>You can also display many other informations, by cliking on the little arrow of a column header (1), then selecting "Column" (2), and choosing one in the list (3):</p>

<img src="help/images/epntap_columns.png"/>

<p>For more information about available epntap parameters, you can checkout the dedicated <a href="" target="_blank">VO-Paris Confluence page</a>.</p>

<p>To finish, you can sort granules by a column of you choice, by cliking on the same arrow (1), then "Sort Ascending" or "Sort Descending" (2):</p>

<img src="help/images/epntap_sort.png"/>