763 Bytes
<h2><img src="js/resources/images/16x16/operations.png" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;"/>Operations on Time Tables</h2>
<img class='centered' src="help/images/ttOpers.png"/>
To merge/intersect the time tables <b><i>drag</i></b> them from the Time Tables tree and <b><i>drop</i></b> onto the panel.
The result time table is saved into your Workspace and is automatically loaded into the Time Table Manager.
The result name in case of two input tables:
<br/> Merge: <i>timetable1_<b>M</b>_timetable2</i> || Intersect: <i>timetable1_<b>I</b>_timetable2</i>
In case of more than two input tables:
<br/> Merge: <i>number-of-input-tts_<b>Merge</b>_[index]</i> || Intersect: <i>number-of-input-tts_<b>Intersect</b>_[index]</i>