2.25 KB
<h2><img src="js/resources/images/16x16/download_manager.png" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;"/> Get Data </h2>
<p>To download a parameter, <b><i>drag</i></b> it from the Parameter tree and <b><i>drop</i></b> onto the
<b><i>Download</i></b> panel.</br></br>
<img align="left" SRC="help/images/downloadnew.png" style="margin: 0px 15px 0px 0px;"/>
There are three main downloading options:</br>
1. <b><i>One File Per Param/Interval</i></b></br>
Each parameter and each time interval from time table (if you download data for intervals from a Time Table)
is output into separate file. <br/>
Sampling time = original parameter sampling time. <br/>
Note that <b><i>Sampling Time step</i></b> and <b><i>use first parameter as reference for sampling</i></b> are not available for this type of data download.</br>
2. <b><i>All in One File</i></b></br>
All parameters are downloaded into one file.</br>
3. <b><i>One File Per Time interval</i></b></br>
All parameters you select are downloaded into one file for each time interval.</br>
In case 2 and 3 you have to define common <b><i>Sampling Time step</i></b>, you can <b><i>use first parameter as reference for sampling</i></b></br>You may give your own <b><i>Output File Prefix</i></b>.</br></br></br>
You may write <b><i>header</i></b> into Data File or into a separate File.</br>
You may choose the File Format (<b><i>ASCII</i></b> or <b><i>VOTable</i></b>).</br>
You may <b><i>zip</i></b> or <b><i>tar+gzip</i></b> those files.<br/></br>
<b>Time</b> can be selected by <b>Interval</b> or by <b>Time Table</b></br>
To select a time table, <b><i>drag</i></b> it from the Time Tables tree and <b><i>drop</i></b> onto the Time Table panel</br></br>
<IMG SRC="help/images/timeTT.png"/></br></br>
<h3> Results of Download </h3>
After clicking on the <IMG SRC="help/images/download_button.png" align="top" /> button, if your job takes a long time the job is launched in batch</br></br>
<IMG SRC="help/images/job.png" width="502" height="98"/></br></br>
0therwise you can download immediately the result (in ASCII or VOTable)</br></br>
<IMG SRC="help/images/result.png"/></br></br>
<h3> Send via SAMP </h3>
You can send the result of your download to clients who are connected to the SAMP hub</br></br>
<IMG SRC="help/images/SampSend.png" />