UlysseIoTorus 3.06 KB

 <h2> Ulysse Io Torus data at AMDA </h2>


  <li> Ulysse Io Torus data are taken from <a href="http://www.lesia.obspm.fr/plasma/ulysses/index.html" TARGET=_BLANK>LESIA</a>.

  <li> The<b> electron density measurements Ne</b> are given in cm-3 and the given acquisition time for each value is dependant on three different measurement methods (flagged by 0,1 or 2). Ne_min and Ne_max stands for errors bars on the density measurements (which are also strongly depending on the measurements methods) 
      <li> The <b>method #0</b> corresponds to densities deduced from the upper hybrid frequency peak detection, in the HF band of the URAP/RAR receiver (firstly published in <i>Hoang et al., Planet. Space Sci.,Vol. 41, No. 11/12, pp. 1011-1020, 1993, and references therein</i>). The given acquisition time is the elapsed time (UT) of the sweeping receiver at the f_uh peak acquisition.
      <li> The <b>method #1</b> corresponds to density obtained by the minimum chi-square fitting of theoritical dispersion curves of Bernstein modes to the experimental dispersion curves derived from the URAP/RAR spectra, Ne and Te being the two free fitted parameters (<i>Moncuquet et al., J. Geophys. Res., 100, 21697-21708 , 1995 and references therein</i>); The given acquisition time for each density measurement is the  elapsed time (UT) at mid-time of the whole spectrum acquisition (the acquisition duration of a whole spectrum is 128s). In this case, the determination of Ne and Te are synchronized  , but they are not independently determined.
      <li> The<b> method #2</b> corresponds to density obtained from detection of Bernstein "fQ" frequencies (<i>Moncuquet et al.,J. Geophys. Res., 102, 2373-2379, 1997 and references therein</i>). The given acquisition time is the elapsed time (UT) of the sweeping receiver at the lowest fQ acquisition.
  <li> The <b>electron core temperature measurements Te</b> are given in K and are obtained by the minimum chi-square fitting of theoritical dispersion curves of Bernstein modes to the experimental dispersion curves derived from the URAP/RAR spectra,(<i>Moncuquet et al., J. Geophys. Res., 100, 21697-21708 , 1995 and references therein</i>). There is two cases for the fitting:  
    <li>from 15:02:30 UT to 17:06:59 UT,  Ne is known independently and Te is the only free fitted parameter ;
    <li>from 17:09:06 UT to 17:50:37 UT, Ne and Te are the both free fitted parameters.   
  The given acquisition time is the elapsed time (UT) of the sweeping receiver at mid-time of the whole spectrum acquisition (the acquisition duration of a whole spectrum is 128s). Te_min and Te_max stands for errors bars on the temperature measurements Te.
  <li> The <b>B magnitude measurements</b> are given in nanoTesla and are obtained by the detection of power spectrum relative minima at the harmonics of the gyrofrequency (firstly published in <i>Meyer et al., J. Geophys. Res., 98, 21163-21176,1993 and references therein</i>)  . The given acquisition time is the elapsed time (UT) of the sweeping receiver at the highest harmonic acquisition.