getVotableFromASCII.php 7.05 KB
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// A php script which reads an ascii data file and converts it into VOTable file
// Usage from command line:
//     php asciiURL_to_votableURL.php asciiURL
//             asciiURL    url of the ascii file
// Usage from browser:
//             asciiURL    url of the ascii file
// The script returns the url of the created VOTable file.
// This script is written for handling ascii data files (from Cluster) provided
// by Vincent Genot. It makes assumptions about the format of data in the ascii
// file so it is probably not suitable for handling other ascii files.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// -----------------------------------
// Get the URL of the ascii data file
// -----------------------------------

if (isset($_GET['url'])) {	// For html calls
    $url_ascii = $_GET['url'];
} else {					// For command line
	if (!isset($argv[1])) die("No url given" . "\n");
    $url_ascii = $argv[1];

// --------------------------------
// Read the ascii file into memory
// --------------------------------

      $ch = curl_init($url_ascii);
      curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_USERAGENT,'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080311 Firefox/');
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION,3);
      $ascii_file = curl_exec($ch);
      if ($ascii_file === false) die("Could not read url " . $url_ascii . "\n");
// -------------------------------------------------
// A simple test that this is indeed our data file:
// Must start with '# ' string.
// -------------------------------------------------

      if (substr($ascii_file,0,2) !== "# ") die("Ascii file not in proper format " . "\n");

// ------------------------------------------------------
// Define input parameter array for getVOTableURL method
// ------------------------------------------------------

  $params = array(
	  'Table_name'  => $url_ascii,
	  'Description' => "",
	  'Fields' => array()

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Go through the file line by line and extract field names and data
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

$ascii_table = preg_split("/[\n]+/", $ascii_file);		// Split the ascii file into an array of lines

$First = true;	// Flag for detecting the first non-comment line (= line with field names)

foreach($ascii_table as $line) {
	// Store comment lines into VOT table description
	// Comment lines start with character '#'

	if (substr($line,0,1) == "#") {
		$params['Description'] .= $line . "\n";

	// If first non-comment line read field names and units. The line content is something like:
	// it year mo dy hr mn sc msc X Y Z rho ux uy uz Bx(nT) By(nT) Bz(nT) p jx jy jz

	if ($First) { 
	$lineX = str_replace ('X' , 'X(Re)' , $line);
	$lineY = str_replace ('Y' , 'Y(Re)' , $lineX);
	$lineZ = str_replace ('Z' , 'Z(Re)' , $lineY);
	$lineRho = str_replace ('rho' , 'rho(cm-3)' , $lineZ); 
	$lineUx = str_replace ('ux' , 'ux(km/s)' , $lineRho);
	$lineUy = str_replace ('uy' , 'uy(km/s)' , $lineUx);
	$lineUz = str_replace ('uz' , 'uz(km/s)' , $lineUy);
	$lineP = str_replace ('P' , 'P(nPa)' , $lineUz);
	$lineJx = str_replace ('jx' , 'jx(mA/m2)' , $lineP);
	$lineJy = str_replace ('jy' , 'jy(mA/m2)' , $lineJx);
	$lineJz = str_replace ('jz' , 'jz(mA/m2)' , $lineJy);
		$Field_list = preg_split("/[\s,]+/", trim($lineJz));	// Create an array of field names
		foreach($Field_list as $field) {
			$params['Fields'][] = array();			// Create a new associative array for this field
			$index = count($params['Fields']) - 1;

			// Get name and possible unit (included in parenthesis)
			preg_match("/([^(]+)[(]*([^)]*)[)]*$/", $field, $matches);
			$params['Fields'][$index]['name'] = $matches[1];
			$params['Fields'][$index]['unit'] = $matches[2];	// unit string is "" if no unit defined
			// Set the datatype attribute. Otherwise Topcat won't recognize the variable
			if (in_array($matches[1], array('it','year','mo','dy','hr','mn','sc','msc')))
				$params['Fields'][$index]['datatype'] = 'int';
				$params['Fields'][$index]['datatype'] = 'float';

			$params['Fields'][$index]['data'] = array();	// Define the array for data values
		$First = false;

	// Read data line
	$i = 0;
	$Value_list = preg_split("/[\s,]+/", trim($line));	// Make an array of data values in this line
	foreach($Value_list as $value) {
		$params['Fields'][$i++]['data'][] = $value;		// Add the data value into field's data array

// ---------------------------------------
// Add the time column in ISO8601 format.
// ---------------------------------------

// First try to locate the data arrays for year, mo, dy, hr, mn, sc and msc columns
foreach($params['Fields'] as $field) {
	if ($field['name'] == 'year') $year_data = $field['data'];
	if ($field['name'] == 'mo')   $mo_data = $field['data'];
	if ($field['name'] == 'dy')   $dy_data = $field['data'];
	if ($field['name'] == 'hr')   $hr_data = $field['data'];
	if ($field['name'] == 'mn')   $mn_data = $field['data'];
	if ($field['name'] == 'sc')   $sc_data = $field['data'];
	if ($field['name'] == 'msc')  $msc_data = $field['data'];

// If all date arrays are found then create the date string in ISO8601 format
if (isset($year_data) and isset($mo_data) and isset($dy_data) and isset($hr_data) and isset($mn_data) and isset($sc_data) and isset($msc_data)) {
	$params['Fields'][] = array();					// Add new field to $params array
	$index = count($params['Fields']) - 1;			// Index of the new field
	$params['Fields'][$index]['name'] = 'Time';		// Set the name to 'Time'
	$params['Fields'][$index]['data'] = array();	// Create array for data values
	for ($i = 0; $i < count($year_data); $i++) {	// Fill the data array
		$time_stamp = gmmktime($hr_data[$i], $mn_data[$i], $sc_data[$i], $mo_data[$i], $dy_data[$i], $year_data[$i]);
		$time_str = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s", $time_stamp) . "." . substr("000" . $msc_data[$i],-3);
		$params['Fields'][$index]['data'][] = $time_str;	// Add the value to the end of the data table

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// More computable quantities (e.g. Btot, Utot) may be added here similarly 
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Finally call the getVOTableURL method to create a VOTtable file and store it into FMI's server
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$methods_file = "";
$client = new SoapClient($methods_file);

try {
	$data_url = $client->getVOTableURL($params);
catch (Exception $e) {
	echo "Error : <br />";
	echo $e->getMessage();

 if ($data_url){
	$contenu = file_get_contents($data_url); 

	echo $contenu; 

// echo $data_url . "\n";
