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VerticalLayout 640 Bytes
<h3>Implemented Layouts</h3>
			 <i>Vertical</i> ( default ): vertical stack of panels;<br/>
				all time panels are of the same width;<br/>
				one XY panel in the line;<br/>
				generic panel height (for Time and XY panel)<br/>
				and width (for XY panel) can be defined at this level<br/><br/>
			 <i>Auto</i> : automatic layout - if possible combines<br/>
				several XY panels at the same level;
				only panel height can be defined (XY panel is 'square')<br/><br/>
			 <i>Manual</i> : everything is to be defined by user

Two generic panel types : 'Time/Epoch' and 'XY (Scatter/Instant)';  