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    "publisher": "Paris Astronomical Data Centre - LESIA",
    "description": "Solar active regions extracted from Heliophysics Feature Catalog.",
    "contributors": [
        "Xavier Bonnin", "Christian Renié", "PADC"
    "creator": [
        "Jean Aboudarham"
    "referenceurl": "http://voparis-helio.obspm.fr/hfc-gui/",
    "accessurl": "http://voparis-tap-helio.obspm.fr/__system__/tap/run/tap",
    "title": "Heliophysics Feature Catalog active regions",
    "shortname": "HFC1AR",
    "schema": "hfc1ar",
    "identifier": "ivo://vopdc.obspm/lesia/hfc1ar/epn"
    "publisher": "Paris Astronomical Data Centre - LUTH",
    "description": "VO-compliant and interactive encyclopaedia of extrasolar planets.",
    "contributors": [
    "creator": [
        "Jean Schneider"
    "referenceurl": "http://exoplanet.eu/",
    "accessurl": "http://voparis-tap-planeto.obspm.fr/__system__/tap/run/tap",
    "title": "Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia",
    "shortname": "ExoPlanet",
    "schema": "exoplanet",
    "identifier": "ivo://vopdc.obspm/luth/exoplanet/epn"
    "publisher": "Paris Astronomical Data Centre - LESIA",
    "description": "This service provides the most accurate values of dimensions, mass, and rotation period of solar system planets. These data are retreived from Archinal et al 2009 (IAU report, 2011CeMDA.109..101A) (radii and Cox et al 2000 (Allen's astrophysical quantities, 2000asqu.book.....C) (masses, heliocentric distances, and rotation periods).",
    "contributors": [
    "creator": [
        "Stéphane Erard"
    "referenceurl": "http://lesia.obspm.fr",
    "accessurl": "http://voparis-tap-planeto.obspm.fr/__system__/tap/run/tap",
    "title": "Main characteristics of solar system planets",
    "shortname": "planets",
    "schema": "planets",
    "identifier": "ivo://vopdc.obspm/lesia/planets/epn"

    "publisher": "Paris Astronomical Data Centre - IMCCE",
    "description": "Compiled database for asteroid spectra in the visible and nir regions.",
    "contributors": [
        "M. Popescu", "Jonathan Normand", "PADC"
    "creator": [
        "Mirel Birlan"
    "title": "M4AST - Modeling for Asteroids",
    "referenceurl": "http://cardamine.imcce.fr/m4ast",
    "accessurl": "http://voparis-tap-planeto.obspm.fr/__system__/tap/run/tap",
    "shortname": "M4AST",
    "schema": "m4ast",
    "identifier": "ivo://vopdc.obspm/imcce/m4ast"

    "publisher": "Paris Astronomical Data Centre - LESIA",
    "description": "Solar type 3 bursts extracted from Heliophysics Feature Catalog.",
    "contributors": [
        "Xavier Bonnin", "Christian Renié", "PADC"
    "creator": [
        "Jean Aboudarham"
    "referenceurl": "http://voparis-helio.obspm.fr/hfc-gui/",
     "accessurl": "http://voparis-tap-helio.obspm.fr/__system__/tap/run/tap",
    "title": "Heliophysics Feature Catalog type 3 radio bursts",
    "shortname": "HFC1T3",
    "schema": "hfc1t3",
    "identifier": "ivo://vopdc.obspm/lesia/hfc1t3/epn"


 "publisher": "Paris Astronomical Data Centre - LESIA",
  "description": "Measurements of comet Halley in the spectral channel of IKS on board the Vega-1 spacecraft. Data are retrieved from the PDS Small Bodies Node archive (2011 reformatted version) and completed with extra information from the original team. The dataset consists in 101 tables providing the calibrated radiance spectra of comet Halley as distance decreases, plus two composite spectra in different spectral ranges. For details and further references, see: Combes M. et al., 1988, The 2.3-12 micron Spectrum of Comet Halley from the IKS-VEGA Experiment, Icarus, 76, 404-436.",
    "contributors": [
        "Stéphane Erard",
        "IKI", "PDS", "PADC"
    "creator": [
    "referenceurl": "http://lesia.obspm.fr/IKS/",
    "accessurl": "http://voparis-tap-planeto.obspm.fr/__system__/tap/run/tap",
    "title": "IR spectroscopy of comet Halley",
    "shortname": "IKS",
    "identifier": "ivo://vopdc.obspm/lesia/iks/epn"

    "publisher": "Paris Astronomical Data Centre - LESIA",
    "description": "This database displays vertical profiles of temperature and composition in Titan's atmosphere at nine different latitudes between 100 and 500 km. These profiles were retrieved from the infrared spectra acquired by the Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) aboard the Cassini spacecraft. The retrieval method and the description of the used dataset is detailed by Vinatier et al., 2009, Analysis of Cassini/CIRS limb spectra of Titan acquired during the nominal mission. I: Hydrocarbons, nitriles and CO2 vertical mixing ratio profiles, Icarus, in press. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2009.08.013.",
    "contributors": [
    "creator": [
        "Sandrine Vinatier"
    "referenceurl": "http://www.lesia.obspm.fr",
    "accessurl": "http://voparis-tap-planeto.obspm.fr/__system__/tap/run/tap",
    "title": "Vertical Profiles in Titan Middle Atmosphere",
    "shortname": "Titan",
    "schema": "titan",
    "identifier": "ivo://vopdc.obspm/lesia/titan/epn"
    "publisher": "Paris Astronomical Data Centre - LESIA",
    "description": "The database of planetary images (BDIP) comes from the digitization of photographs collected and preserved by the Center for Photographic Documentation of the planets held by the IAU at the Meudon Observatory in 1961 under the the curation of J.H. Focas (IAUC, 12th General Assembly, Report 1964). A similar center was established at the Lowell Observatory in Arizona, under the responsibility of W.A. Baum. The photographs were duplicated between the two centers.",
    "contributors": [
    "creator": [
        "Florence Henry"
    "referenceurl": "http://lesia.obspm.fr/BDIP/",
    "accessurl": "http://voparis-tap-planeto.obspm.fr/__system__/tap/run/tap",
    "title": "Base de Données d'Images Planétaires",
    "shortname": "BDIP",
    "schema": "bdip",
    "identifier": "ivo://vopdc.obspm/lesia/bdip/epn"
    "publisher": "Station de Radioastronomie de Nançay (SRN)",
    "description": "Dynamic Spectra of the Routine observation of Jupiter with the Nancay Decameter Array. This dataset contains two series of dynamic spectra recorded on each of the Nançay decameter sub-arrays (i.e. on Left Hand and Right Hand Polarization). The receiver is sampling from 10 MHz to 40 MHz with 75 kHz steps on the spectral axis. It records one spectrum every second on each polarization. The list of observation frequencies is provided.",
    "contributors": [
        "Andrée Coffre",
        "Emmanuel Thétas",
    "creator": [
        "Baptiste Cecconi"
    "referenceurl": "http://www.obs-nancay.fr/en/index.php/instruments/decametric-array",
    "accessurl": "http://vogate.obs-nancay.fr/__system__/tap/run/tap",
    "title": "Jupiter Routine Observations",
    "shortname": "RoutineJupiter",
    "schema": "nda_routine",
    "identifier": "ivo://vopdc.obspm/usn/dam/routinejup/epn"
    "publisher": "IA2",
    "description": "The Cosmic dust catalog is an internal resource of the SBDN, since we have internally developed original services to access this catalogs. NASA's Cosmic dust catalog 15 and 18 have been joined to obtain this service. 467 (from catalog 15) plus 957 (from catalog 18) dust grains with their main characteristics, images and X-ray spectra are listed. Not only cosmic dust particles are listed, but also terrestrial contamination (natural), terrestrial contamination (artificial) and aluminium oxide spheres.",
    "contributors": [
    "creator": [
    "referenceurl": "http://www.iasf-roma.inaf.it:8080/web/sbdn/cosmic-dust-catalog",
    "accessurl": "http://ia2-tap.oats.inaf.it:8080/epntap",
    "title": "INAF-IAPS RDB NASA dust catalogue TAP service",
    "shortname": "nasadustcat",
    "schema": "nasadustcat",
    "identifier": "ivo://ia2.inaf.it/hosted/iaps/epn/tap/nasadustcat"

    "publisher": "Centre de Données de la Physique des Plasmas",
    "description": "The CDPP (Centre de Données de la Physique des Plasmas) was created in 1998 jointly by CNES and INSU. The CDPP is the French national data centre for natural plasmas of the solar system. The CDPP assures the long term preservation of data obtained primarily from instruments built using French resources, and renders them readily accessible and exploitable by the international community. The CDPP also provides services to enable on-line data analysis (AMDA), 3D data visualization in context (3DView), and a propagation tool which bridges solar perturbations to in-situ measurements. The CDPP is involved in the development of interoperability, participates in several Virtual Observatory projects, and supports data distribution for scientific missions (Solar Orbiter, JUICE).",
    "creator": [
        "Centre de Données de la Physique des Plasmas"
    "referenceurl": "http://amda.cdpp.eu",
    "accessurl": "http://amda-epntap.irap.omp.eu/__system__/tap/run/tap",
    "title": "CDPP AMDA DataBase",
    "shortname": "AMDA",
    "schema": "amdadb",
    "identifier": "ivo://cdpp/amda"
    "publisher": "Paris Astronomical Data Centre - LESIA",
    "description": "Since 1973, the 18-cm lines of the OH radical have been systematically observed in a number of comets with the Nançay radio telescope. This allowed an evaluation of the cometary water… production rates and their evolution with time, as well as a study of several physical processes: the excitation mechanisms of the OH radio lines, the expansion of the cometary atmospheres, their anisotropy in relation with non-gravitational forces, the Zeeman effect in relation with the cometary magnetic field. The Nançay observations of 53 cometary apparitions between 1982 and 2009 are now organized in this database.",
    "contributors": [
        "Mathieu Hirtzig",
    "creator": [
        "Jacques Crovisier"
    "referenceurl": "http://www.lesia.obspm.fr/planeto/cometes/basecom/",
    "accessurl": "http://voparis-tap-planeto.obspm.fr/__system__/tap/run/tap",
    "title": "The Nançay Cometary Database",
    "shortname": "BASECOM",
    "schema": "basecom",
    "identifier": "ivo://vopdc.obspm/lesia/basecom/epn"


    "publisher": "Paris Astronomical Data Centre - LESIA",
    "description": "The Auroral Planetary Imaging and Spectroscopy (APIS) service provides an open and interactive access to processed auroral observations of the outer planets and their satellites. Such observations are of interest for a wide community at the interface between planetology and magnetospheric and heliospheric physics. APIS consists of (i) a high level database, built from planetary auroral observations acquired by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) since 1997 with its mostly used Far-UltraViolet spectro-imagers, (ii) a dedicated search interface aimed at browsing efficiently this database through relevant conditional search criteria and (iii) the ability to interactively work with the data online through plotting tools developed by the Virtual Observatory (VO) community, such as Aladin and Specview. This service is VO compliant and can therefore also been queried by external search portals of the VO community. The diversity of available data and the capability to sort them out by relevant physical criteria shall in particular facilitate statistical studies, on long-term scales and/or multi-instrumental multi-spectral combined analysis.",
    "contributors": [
        "Florence Henry",
    "creator": [
        "Laurent Lamy"
    "referenceurl": "http://lesia.obspm.fr/apis/",
    "accessurl": "http://voparis-tap-planeto.obspm.fr/__system__/tap/run/tap",
    "title": "Auroral Planetary Imaging and Spectroscopy",
    "shortname": "APIS",
    "schema": "apis",
    "identifier": "ivo://vopdc.obspm/lesia/apis/epn"
    "publisher": "Tohoku University",
    "description": "Iitate log periodic Radio antenna High Resolution data",
    "contributors": [
        "Baptiste Cecconi",
        "Pierre Le Sidaner"
    "creator": [
        "Dr. Atsushi Kumamoto"
    "referenceurl": "http://ariel.gp.tohoku.ac.jp/~jupiter/it_hf",
    "accessurl": "http://thebe.gp.tohoku.ac.jp/__system__/tap/run/tap",
    "title": "Iitate HF data",
    "shortname": "Iitate",
    "schema": "iitate",
    "identifier": "ivo://tohoku.univ.jp/iitate/q/epn_core"


    "publisher": "IWF",
    "description": "IMPEx simulation runs provided by FMI, LATMOS and SINP",
    "contributors": [
        "IMPEx-FP7 Project Team"
    "creator": [
        "Tarek Al-Ubaidi"
    "referenceurl": "http://impex-fp7.oeaw.ac.at/",
    "accessurl": "http://epn-tap.oeaw.ac.at/__system__/tap/run/tap",
    "title": "IMPEx Simulation Data",
    "shortname": "IMPEx_EPN20",
    "schema": "impex_epn20",
    "identifier": "ivo://vo-plasma.oeaw.ac.at/impex_epn20/impex_epn20/epn_core"
    "publisher": "IWF",
    "description": "Venus-Express Observations of the Magnetic Field in VSO Coordinates including Spacecraft Positions",
    "contributors": [
    "creator": [
        "Al-Ubaidi, Tarek",
        "Scherf, Manuel",
        "Zhang, T."
    "referenceurl": "http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2008JE003215/abstract",
    "accessurl": "http://epn-tap.oeaw.ac.at/__system__/tap/run/tap",
    "title": "Venus-Express Magnetometer Data",
    "shortname": "VExMag_EPN20",
    "schema": "vexmag_epn20",
    "identifier": "ivo://vo-plasma.oeaw.ac.at/vexmag_epn20/vexmag_epn20/epn_core"
    "publisher": "Jacobs Uni",
    "description": "EPN-TAP access to the Test CRISM database.",
    "contributors": [
    "creator": [
        "Mikhail Minin"
    "accessurl": "http://epn1.epn-vespa.jacobs-university.de/__system__/tap/run/tap",
    "title": "CRISM data from Earth Server 2",
    "shortname": "CRISM",
    "schema": "crism",
    "identifier": "ivo://jacobsuni/crism/q/epn_core"
    "publisher": "Jacobs Uni",
    "description": "EPN-TAP access to the Stuart Robbins catalog of Martian Impact Craters",
    "contributors": [
    "creator": [
        "Mikhail Minin"
    "accessurl": "http://epn1.epn-vespa.jacobs-university.de/__system__/tap/run/tap",
    "title": "Martian Impact Craters",
    "shortname": "Mars_Craters",
    "schema": "mars_craters",
    "identifier": "ivo://jacobsuni/mars_craters/q/epn_core"
    "publisher": "Jacobs Uni",
    "description": "Catalog of USGS WMS",
    "contributors": [
    "creator": [
        "Mikhail Minin"
    "accessurl": "http://epn1.epn-vespa.jacobs-university.de/__system__/tap/run/tap",
    "title": "USGS WMS",
    "shortname": "USGS_WMS",
    "schema": "usgs_wms",
    "identifier": "ivo://jacobsuni/usgs_wms/q/epn_core"

    "publisher": "LMD",
    "description": "MCD is a database of atmospheric statistics compiled from Global Climate Model(GCM) numerical simulation of Martian atmosphere (http://www-mars.lmd.jussieu.fr). The GCM computes in 3D the atmospheric circulation and climate taking into account radiative transfer through the gaseous atmospheres and the dust and ice aerosols, includes a representation of the CO2 ice condensation and sublimation on the ground and in the atmosphere, simulates the water cycle (with modelling of cloud microphysics), the dust multisize particle transport, the atmospheric composition controlled by the photochemistry and the local non-condensible gas enrichment and depletion induced by CO2 condensation and sublimation, and has been extended into the thermosphere and to model ionospheric processes (due to chemistry). The database extends up to exobase (the top of the thermosphere,roughly at 300km in altitude); in addition to statistics on temperature, wind, pressure, radiative fluxes, it provides data such as atmospheric composition(including dust water vapor and ice content) and make use of 'dust and Extreme Ultra Violet(EUV) scenarios' to represent the variation of dust in the atmosphere and solar EUV conditions.",
    "contributors": [
        "Ehouarn Millour",
        "Stéphane Erard",
    "creator": [
        "Zi Yin"
    "referenceurl": "http://www-mars.lmd.jussieu.fr/",
    "accessurl": "http://sery.lmd.jussieu.fr/__system__/tap/run/tap",
    "title": "EPN-TAP access to the MCD database",
    "shortname": "MCD",
    "schema": "mcd",
    "identifier": "ivo://lmd.jussieu/mcd/q/epn_core"
    "publisher": "LESIA",
    "description": "RadioJOVE Data Archive",
    "contributors": [
        "Renaud Savalle",
    "creator": [
        "Baptiste Cecconi"
    "referenceurl": "http://radiojove.org",
    "accessurl": "http://voparis-tap-planeto.obspm.fr/__system__/tap/run/tap",
    "title": "RadioJOVE Data Archive",
    "shortname": "RadioJOVE",
    "schema": "radiojove",
    "identifier": "ivo://vopdc.obspm/lesia/radiojove/epn"
    "publisher": "LESIA",
    "description": "VIRTIS/Venus Express demonstrator service: imaging spectroscopy of Venus in the visible and the near infrared. This lists all the calibrated files from the nominal mission for the three channels M-vis, M-IR and H. Files are described according to the extended index in the PSA archive, with links to the PSA: ftp://psa.esac.esa.int/pub/mirror/VENUS-EXPRESS/VIRTIS/VEX-V-VIRTIS-2-3-V3.0/. See Piccioni et al, 2007, VIRTIS: The Visible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer, ESA SP 1295.",
    "contributors": [
        "Florence Henry",
    "creator": [
        "Stéphane Erard"
    "referenceurl": "http://lesia.obspm.fr",
    "accessurl": "http://voparis-tap-planeto.obspm.fr/__system__/tap/run/tap",
    "title": "VIRTIS Venus Express nominal mission (demo)",
    "shortname": "VVEx",
    "schema": "vvex",
    "identifier": "ivo://vopdc.obspm/lesia/vvex/epn"
    "publisher": "LATMOS",
    "description": "SPICAM Climatology of Aerosol Vertical Distribution through UV Occultations",
    "contributors": [
        "Anni Määtänen",
        "François Forget",
        "Sébastien Lebonnois"
    "creator": [
        "Zi Yin"
    "referenceurl": "http://www.latmos.ipsl.fr",
    "accessurl": "http://vo.projet.latmos.ipsl.fr/__system__/tap/run/tap",
    "title": "SIPCAM Mars Atmospheric Vertical Distribution",
    "shortname": "SPICAM",
    "schema": "spicam",
    "identifier": "ivo://latmos.ipsl/spicam/q/epn_core"
    "publisher": "Paris Astronomical Data Centre - LESIA",
    "description": "This service lists TNO thermal properties as derived mostly from Spitzer and Herschel observations",
    "contributors": [
    "creator": [
        "Emmanuel Lellouch",
        "Florence HENRY"
    "referenceurl": "http://public-tnosarecool.lesia.obspm.fr",
    "accessurl": "http://voparis-tap-planeto.obspm.fr/__system__/tap/run/tap",
    "title": "TNOs are Cool",
    "shortname": "tnosarecool",
    "schema": "tnosarecool",
    "identifier": "ivo://vopdc.obspm/lesia/tnosarecool/epn"
    "publisher": "bira-iasb",
    "description": "Profiles of species in Venus atmophere terminator. Data retrieved from calibrated spectra obtained with the SPICAV-SOIR instrument on board the Venus Express spacecraft. These spectra can be checked on the ESA PSA repository. See: A.C. Vandaele et al., Contribution from SOIR/VEX to the updated Venus International Reference Atmosphere (VIRA), Adv. Space Res. (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asr:2015.08.012.",
    "contributors": [
        " "
    "creator": [
        "Loic Trompet"
    "referenceurl": "http://www.aeronomie.be",
    "accessurl": "http://vespa-ae.oma.be/__system__/tap/run/tap",
    "title": "Profiles from SPICAV-SOIR/VEx",
    "shortname": "BIRA-IASB TAP",
    "schema": "soir",
    "identifier": "ivo://bira-iasb/tap"
    "publisher": "Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia-CSIC; INTA-CAB",
    "description": "EPN-TAP access to IAA-CAB-INTA-CSIC absorption cross sections database.",
    "contributors": [
        " "
    "creator": [
        "Jaime Jimenez"
    "referenceurl": "http://spectrum.iaa.es:8080/iaa",
    "accessurl": "http://spectrum.iaa.es/__system__/tap/run/tap",
    "title": "Data for numerical modeling of planetary atmospheres",
    "shortname": "abs_cs",
    "schema": "abs_cs",
    "identifier": "ivo://spectrum.iaa/abs_cs/q/epn_core"
    "publisher": "ov-gso",
    "description": "Pic du Midi de Bigorre in the French Pyrenees is the place where coronagraphic images were first realized, by Bernard Lyot in the 1930s. Since then, the solar instruments at Pic du Midi regularly provide images of the solar disc, solar prominences and solar corona.",
    "contributors": [
        "J.M. Glorian"
    "creator": [
        "Patrick Maeght"
    "referenceurl": "http://ov-gso.irap.omp.eu",
    "accessurl": "http://climso.irap.omp.eu/__system__/tap/run/tap",
    "title": "CLIMSO coronagraphs at pic du midi de Bigorre",
    "shortname": "CLIMSO",
    "schema": "climso",
    "identifier": "ivo://ov-gso/climso"
