libkt.h 5.29 KB
#ifndef __LIBKT_H__
#define __LIBKT_H__
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

extern "C" {
	 * NAME : void ModelField(n,x,y,z,lP,nP,Params,Bx,By,Bz)
	 * DESCRIPTION : Calculate the KT14/17 magnetic field.
	 * INPUTS : 
	 * 		int n			Number field vectors to find.
	 * 		double *x		Position array (Rm).
	 * 		double *y		Position array (Rm).
	 * 		double *z		Position array (Rm).
	 * 		int lP			Number or sets of parameters.
	 * 		int nP 			Number of parameters (2 or 3)
	 * 		double **Params	2D array of parameters, shape (lP,nP)
	 * 		double *Bx		Output magnetic field (nT).
	 * 		double *By		Output magnetic field (nT).
	 * 		double *Bz		Output magnetic field (nT).
	 * ********************************************************************/
	void ModelField(int n, double *x, double *y, double *z,
					int lP, int nP, double **Params,
					double *Bx, double *By, double *Bz);
	 * NAME : void TraceField(n,x0,y0,z0,nP,P0,P1,P2,BoundMP,BoundTail,
	 * 						BoundSurface,MaxLen,MaxStep,InitStep,
	 * 						MinStep,ErrMax,Delta,Verbose,TraceDir,nstep,
	 * 						x,y,z,Bx,By,Bz,Rmsm,Rmso,S,Rnorm,FP,nalpha,
	 * 						alpha,halpha)
	 * DESCRIPTION : Trace field lines using the KT14/17 model.
	 * INPUTS : 
	 * 		int n		number of traces.
	 * 		double *x	Trace start position MSM (Rm)
	 * 		double *y	Trace start position MSM (Rm)
	 * 		double *z	Trace start position MSM (Rm)
	 * 		int nP		Number of parameters 2(KT17) or 3(KT14).
	 * 		double *P0	Rsun in AU (KT17) or Rsm in Rm (KT14)
	 * 		double *P1	Disturbance index from 0-97 (KT17) or t1 disk 
	 * 					magnitude (KT14).
	 * 		double *P2	Unused (KT17) or t2 quasi harris sheet magnitude 
	 * 					(KT14).
	 * 		bool BoundMP	If true, then the trace will stop at the 
	 * 					magnetopause.
	 * 		double BoundTail	X limit to stop trace in magnetotail,
	 * 					ignored if positive.
	 * 		int	BoundSurface	Surface on which to end the field trace:
	 * 					1 - Stop at the planetary surface
	 * 					2 - Stop at the planetary core (0.832 Rm).
	 * 					3 - Stop at dipole at 1 Rm
	 * 					4 - Stop at dipole at 0.832 Rm (core radius)
	 * 					5 - Stop at northern surface, southern dipole at 
	 * 						1 Rm (virtual surface).
	 * 					6 - Stop at northern core and southern dipole at
	 * 						0.832 Rm.
	 * 		int MaxLen		Maximum length of each trace.
	 * 		double MaxStep	Maximum step size (Rm)
	 * 		double InitStep Initial step size (Rm)
	 * 		double MinStep	Minimum step size (Rm)
	 * 		double ErrMax	Maximum error.
	 * 		double Delta	Distance between adjacent field lines (Rm) to be
	 * 						used int he calculation of h_alpha.
	 * 		bool Verbose	Display tracing progress.
	 * 		int TraceDir	Direction in which to trace:
	 * 						0 - trace in both directions
	 * 						1 - along the field (towards north)
	 * 						-1 - opposite to the field (towards south)		
	 * 		int nalpha		The number of alpha values.
	 * 		double *alpha	Array of alphas (degrees) 0 = toroidal.
	 * 		int *nstep		Number of trace steps
	 * 		double **x		Trace positions
	 * 		double **y		Trace positions
	 * 		double **z		Trace positions
	 * 		double **Bx		Trace field
	 * 		double **By		Trace field
	 * 		double **Bz		Trace field
	 * 		double **Rmsm	Trace radial coordinates (MSM)
	 * 		double **Rmso	Trace radial coordinates (MSO)
	 * 		double **S		Trace distance.
	 *		double **Rnorm	Array of Rnorms.
	 * 		double **FP		Output footprint coords, shape (n,18), where n
	 * 						is the number of traces and the elements in the
	 * 						2nd dimension correspond to the following 
	 * 						footprints:
	 * 						0:	North planetary latitude
	 * 						1:	North planetary local time
	 * 						2:	South planetary latitude
	 * 						3:	South planetary local time
	 * 						4:	North core latitude
	 * 						5:	North core local time
	 * 						6:	South core latitude
	 * 						7:	South core local time
	 * 						8:	North dipole R=1 latitude
	 * 						9:	North dipole R=1 local time
	 * 						10:	South dipole R=1 latitude
	 * 						11:	South dipole R=1 local time
	 * 						12:	North dipole R=0.832 latitude
	 * 						13:	North dipole R=0.832 local time
	 * 						14:	South dipole R=0.832 latitude
	 * 						15:	South dipole R=0.832 local time
	 * 						16: L-shell
	 * 						17:	Equatorial footprint magnetic local time.
	 * 						NOTE: core is assumed to be a sphere at 
	 * 						Rmso = 0.832 Rm and the dipole footprints
	 * 						are footprints on a sphere centered on the 
	 * 						dipole rather than the planet itself.
	 * 		double *halpha	1-D array containing all trace h_alphas,
	 * 						reshape in Python to (n,nalpha,MaxLen)
	 * ********************************************************************/
	void TraceField(int n, double *x0, double *y0, double *z0,
					int nP, double *P0, double *P1, double *P2,
					bool BoundMP, double BoundTail, int BoundSurface,
					int MaxLen, double MaxStep, double InitStep,
					double MinStep, double ErrMax, double Delta,
					bool Verbose, int TraceDir,
					int *nstep,
					double **x, double **y, double **z,
					double **Bx, double **By, double **Bz,
					double **Rmsm, double **Rmso,
					double **S, double **Rnorm, double **FP,
					int nalpha, double *alpha, double *halpha);
