22 Nov, 2022
1 commit
19 Jul, 2021
1 commit
Toggle_check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated 9363 Anomalie Fermé Normal Incohérence de la version du kernel leap seaconds Dominica Ly 06/21/2021 11:20 am 9279 Anomalie Fermé Haut tracé des footprints sur le mauvais corps Vincent Genot 06/21/2021 11:20 am 9272 Evolution Fermé Normal correspondance avec le connect tool Vincent Genot 06/21/2021 11:20 am 9126 Anomalie Fermé Normal ecliptic plane Vincent Genot 06/21/2021 11:20 am 9110 Anomalie Fermé Normal la Terre traverse son propre bowshock Vincent Genot 06/21/2021 11:20 am 9096 Anomalie Fermé Normal temps de la scene ne correspond pas au manage scene Vincent Genot 06/21/2021 11:20 am 9058 Evolution Fermé Normal ajouter MSE et MSEQ Vincent Genot 06/21/2021 11:20 am 9036 Anomalie Fermé Normal 1er temps pas visible Vincent Genot 06/21/2021 11:20 am 8945 Actions Installé Normal openjdk11 : problème exécution 3DView sur les dernières versions linux Myriam Bouchemit 07/07/2021 02:54 pm 8902 Anomalie Fermé Normal bug transfo en RTN Vincent Genot 06/21/2021 11:20 am 8287 Evolution Fermé Normal Représentation spatiale - Orbites, attitude, panneaux solaires (RS1) Vincent Genot 06/21/2021 11:20 am 8283 Evolution Installé Normal Gestion des inputs EGM à LATHYS et vice-versa (IN2) Ronan Modolo 04/19/2021 07:46 pm 8279 Evolution Commentaire Normal Visualisation de données en distance/lon/lat plutôt que X/Y/Z (FT14) Laurent BEIGBEDER 07/08/2021 11:27 am 8277 Evolution Installé Normal Colonne de densité (FT9) Ronan Modolo 05/07/2021 11:13 am 8275 Evolution Fermé Normal Lignes d’écoulement (FT7) Vincent Genot 06/21/2021 11:20 am 8271 Evolution Fermé Normal Naviguer dans l'arbre des sorties de simulation (NA2b) Vincent Genot 03/08/2021 02:07 pm 7938 Evolution Fermé Normal TEMPETE IN4 Vincent Genot 06/21/2021 11:20 am 7934 Evolution Fermé Normal TEMPETE MO7 Vincent Genot 06/21/2021 11:20 am 7933 Evolution Fermé Normal TEMPETE OB1 Vincent Genot 03/08/2021 02:08 pm 7930 Evolution Fermé Normal TEMPETE FT11 FT12 Vincent Genot 07/19/2021 02:45 pm 7664 Evolution Fermé Normal Ne plus afficher Stereo-B après le 1er octobre 2014 Kéa KHUM 06/21/2021 11:20 am 7656 Evolution Fermé Normal un symbole + label pour les Parker footprints Vincent Genot 06/21/2021 11:20 am 7128 Evolution Installé Normal Fenetre Positions Vincent Genot 06/25/2021 10:01 am
29 Mar, 2021
1 commit
26 Mar, 2021
1 commit
10 Feb, 2021
1 commit
14 Feb, 2020
1 commit
31 Jan, 2020
2 commits
2019/12/13: V2.7 New Parker Solar Probe Kernel Aureol-3, MAVEN, Herschel and Mars-Odyssey 3D models added improvements and fixes 2019/09/12: V2.6 Jovian magnetic field JRM09 from JUNO's observations Magnetopause shear angle and reconnection locations (Cooling and Trattner models) Shock normals and theta_Bn (dynamic computation from Solar Wind conditions) FOV improvments Solar wind flux tube visualization (Borovsky spaghetti model) New Heliospheric spacecrafts attitude and 3D models Bepi-Colombo cruise trajectory and MMO/MPO orbiting phases Arcad 3 orbit Improvements on the Conjuction Search Tool interface 2018/12/19: V2.5 Gruesbeck Boundary model for Mars Roche potential and Lagrange points Upload science data from URL FOV improvments New way to manage distances and angles display New Heliospheric spacecrafts attitude and 3D models Proba2 and Cruise of Bepicolombo added Several bug fixings: preference menu, model presentation... 2018/11/08: V2.4 Boundary model for 67P at perihelion (Simon Wedlund et al., 2017) Upload of 3D simulation with spherical grid (ascii only) Upload of 3D data (independent of time, for statistics illustration) Customization of S/C trajectories (colour, length, ...) Event lists of boundary crossings New AMDA web-services Compatibility with Java 9 & 10 2D figures and plots: improved legend setting and high-res figures Several bug fixings: preference menu, model presentation... Several bugs and improvement in the Conjunction Search Tool 2018/05/31: V2.3 Models can be applied to all bodies in the scene (not just the central one) Models are automatically transformed to the scene frame In-situ/model dynamic pressures are uploaded from AMDA for boundary models Time shift has been improved (interface, rounding issue for large shift) Help on how to upload user data has been improved Distances in movies are implemented Several bug fixings: CDF reader, SAMP connector, ... Meta-kernels for several ESA missions New module for conjunctions search (CST)
26 Oct, 2016
1 commit
20 Jul, 2016
1 commit