from numpy import shape, pi from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, show from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm from Read import ReadEnergy, ReadWeight, ReadMomentumAngle, ReadPositionAngle, ReadNphot_source from Read import ReadD_source, Readz_source, ReadEGMF from Constants import degre Elim=1e-1 # GeV borne=5 # degree nbBins = 100 def thetaphi(fileId): energy = ReadEnergy(fileId) weight = ReadWeight(fileId) thetaDir,phiDir = ReadMomentumAngle(fileId)*degre thetaPos,phiPos = ReadPositionAngle(fileId)*degre theta = thetaDir - thetaPos phi = phiDir -phiPos cond=(energy>Elim) & (abs(theta)", shape(energy)[0], "events" return energy, theta, phi, weight def drawMap(files): print "Cut at", Elim, "GeV" fig = figure() nbplots = len(files) ind=1 for fileId in files: energy, theta, phi, weight = thetaphi(fileId) ax = fig.add_subplot(100+nbplots*10+ind) Emax = max(energy) Emin = min(energy) colors = energy/Emax area = pi * (15 * colors)**2 +15 sax = ax.scatter(theta, phi, c=colors, s=area, alpha=0.3, marker='o') if Emin < 1e-3: liminf = "%.0f"%(Emin*1e6)+"keV" elif Emin < 1: liminf = "%.0f"%(Emin*1e3)+"MeV" else: liminf = "%.0f"%(Emin)+"GeV" limsup = "%.0f"%(Emax*1e-3)+"TeV" cbar = fig.colorbar(sax, ticks=[0.01,1])[liminf,limsup]) ax.set_xlim((-borne,borne)) ax.set_ylim((-borne,borne)) ax.set_xlabel("$\\theta$ [deg]") ax.set_ylabel("$\\phi$ [deg]") zsource=Readz_source(fileId) Dsource=ReadD_source(fileId) EGMF=ReadEGMF(fileId) ax.set_title("source at %.0f"%Dsource+"Mpc (z=%.4f"%zsource+"): EGMF="+str(EGMF)+" Gauss" ) ind=ind+1 show() def drawMapHisto(files): print "Cut at", Elim, "GeV" fig = figure() nbplots = len(files) ind=1 for fileId in files: energy, theta, phi, weight = thetaphi(fileId) Nmax=ReadNphot_source(fileId) # Nb photons emitted by the source ax = fig.add_subplot(100+nbplots*10+ind) H,xedges,yedges,im = ax.hist2d(theta,phi,nbBins,range=[[-borne,borne],[-borne,borne]],weights=weight/Nmax,norm=LogNorm()) extent = [yedges[0], yedges[-1], xedges[0], xedges[-1]] cbar=fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax)"counts normalize to 1 photon emitted") ax.set_xlim((-borne,borne)) ax.set_ylim((-borne,borne)) ax.set_xlabel("$\\theta$ [deg]") ax.set_ylabel("$\\phi$ [deg]") zsource=Readz_source(fileId) Dsource=ReadD_source(fileId) EGMF=ReadEGMF(fileId) ax.set_title("source at %.0f"%Dsource+"Mpc (z=%.4f"%zsource+"): EGMF="+str(EGMF)+" Gauss" ) ind=ind+1 show()