# PYROS (PYthon Robotic Observatory System) A Python software for the management of a Telescope control center COPYRIGHT (C) 2012-2018 IRAP (Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planetologie) Toulouse - France Authors : etienne.pallier@irap.omp.eu, alain.klotz@irap.omp.eu, patrick.maeght@irap.omp.eu, paul.carensac@epitech.eu, alexandru.burlacu11@gmail.com, jeremy.barneron@gmail.com, quentin.durand@epitech.eu GPL License (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html) - See the file LICENSE.txt This software runs with Python 3 and Django 2 To install it, go into the "install/" folder, and read the document INSTALLATION (better is to go to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m7wUGMUPNPE2gdsQNLILDeF738oIk9OlQjVjNzQyWA8/edit#heading=h.aqi3gs3yp2s3) This file is written in the markdown format (see https://openclassrooms.com/en/courses/1304236-redigez-en-markdown, https://michelf.ca/projets/php-markdown/syntaxe, https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Tested platforms This software has been tested and validated with the following configurations : - Centos 7 (test server planetoweb2) : - Python: 3.5 - Mysql: - Apache: - Ubuntu 14LTS (Paul Carensac's laptop) : - Python: 3.5 - Mysql: 5.5.46 - Apache: - Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Jérémy Barneron's laptop) : - Python: 3.5.2 - Mysql: 5.7.15 - Apache: 2.4.18 - Django: 1.10.2 - Mac OS 10.11.4 (Etienne Pallier's laptop) - Python: 3.5 - XAMPP for OS X 5.6.3, which comes with : - MySQL: 5.6.21 - Apache 2.4.10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Project structure (OBSOLETE) - src/ : conteneur du projet (le nom est sans importance) - manage.py : utilitaire en ligne de commande permettant differentes actions sur le projet - pyros/ : the actual Python package of the project - settings.py : project settings and configuration - urls.py : déclaration des URLs du projet - wsgi.py : point d'entrée pour déployer le projet avec WSGI - database/ : database configuration and documentation - doc/ : project documentation - install/ : project installation howto - private/ : the content of this folder is private and thus not commited to git ; it should contain your Python3 virtual environment - simulators/ : the devices simulators - public/ : this folder contains all public files like the web html files - static/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## LAST VERSION Date: 18/06/2019 Author: E. Pallier (epallier@irap.omp.eu) VERSION: 0.30.10 Comment : - Ajouté 2 HOWTO (pour test et run) à la racine du projet RAPPELS SUR L'UTILISATION : - (TEST) Scenarios de test : 1) ./pyros test 2) ./pyros testall 3) Lancer agents A et B en mode simu (option -t): ./pyros.py -t start agentA,agentB Attendre 1 à 2mn jusqu'à obtenir les 2 résultats suivants: (AgentA): Finished testing => result is ok (AgentB): Finished testing => result is ok 4) Lancer agentDevice et agentTelescopeRequester en mode simu (-t) : ./pyros.py -t start agentTelescopeRequester,agentDevice - (RUN) Mode opératoire pour lancer un agent (en mode normal, hors test) : - pour lancer agentA seulement : ./pyros.py start agentA [-c configfile] - pour lancer plusieurs agents : ./pyros.py start agentA,agentB,... [-c configfile] (ou encore: activer l'environnement virtuel, puis lancer "cd src/.../agent/ ; ./AgentA.py configfile") - pour utiliser thread ou processus : il suffit de mettre la constante RUN_IN_THREAD de AgentA (ou AgentB ou AgentX) à False ou True -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - TECHNICAL DOC: tinyurl.com/pyros-doc - CURRENT STATUS (TODO LIST) : https://projects.irap.omp.eu/projects/pyros/issues?query_id=257 - CURRENT VERSION (v0.20): https://projects.irap.omp.eu/versions/208 - ROADMAP: https://projects.irap.omp.eu/projects/pyros/roadmap - (OLD DEV PLAN: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Gy6c-9fhUDBx5Bc6YrcGvfgP-HukWdhUh8oT11_y88g/edit#gid=664458270) - (OLD, TO BE UPDATED) https://projects.irap.omp.eu/versions/158 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## MAIN CHANGES HISTORY (MILESTONES): Full list of commits: https://gitlab.irap.omp.eu/epallier/pyros/commits/master (The new official changes history is here : https://tinyurl.com/pyros-dev#heading=h.2r55bflctpt5) **12/06-17/06/2019 : v0.30.3-9 (EP)** - Restructuration du projet - phase 1 : /src/ => /pyros_django/ - Restructuration du projet - phase 2 : /pyros_django/ => /src/core/pyros_django/ - Restructuration du projet - phase 3 : /devices_channel/ => /src/devices_controller/ - Restructuration du projet - phase 4 : /src/core/pyros_django/utils/celme/ => /src/core/celme/ - Restructuration du projet - phase 5a : /src/devices_controller/ => réorganisation interne 1/2 : - sortir /src/devices_controller/client/channel => /src/devices_controller/channel/ - sortir /src/devices_controller/client/devices_abstract/ => /src/devices_controller/devices_abstract/ - supprimer dossier client/ - rename channel/ => channels/ - rename devices_abstract/ => devices_controller_abstract_component/ - Restructuration du projet - phase 5b : /src/devices_controller/ => réorganisation interne 2/2 : - create folder devices_controller/devices_controller_concrete/ - migrer le dossier devices_controller/server/ => devices_controller/devices_controller_concrete/server/ - rename server/ => device_simulator_common/ - Deplacement de tous les devices concrets dans leurs dossiers respectifs (Gemini, AK, ...) **11/06/2019 : v0.30.2 (EP)** - Ajouté options "test" et "testall" dans pyros.py pour exécution des (anciens) tests unitaires - Restructuring : private/ => venv/ **26/04/19 : Version 0.20.42 (EP)** - plantUML diagrams créés récursivement dans les dossiers doc/ **Fin mars 19 : Version 0.20.40 ? (EP)** - AgentDeviceTelescopeStatus : 1 seule ligne mise à jour dans la table - AgentDevice + AgentDeviceTelescopeStatus + AgentTelescopeRequester : - AgentDevice met à jour la table AgentDeviceTelescopeStatus - AgentTelescopeRequester interroge AgentDevice - Mode opératoire: ./pyros start agentDevice ou, en mode simu: ./pyros -t start agentTelescopeRequester,agentDevice - Génération automatique des diagrammes PlantUML avec "pyros update" - Implémentation complète du "Command state diag" - Nouveaux diagrammes UML pour Command (state diag) et Agent (activity diag) - Déplacé AgentM dans src/monitoring/ (pyros start agentM) - Implémenté la commande "restart_init" (voir doc "play with a pyros agent") et refactorisation de run() - Implémenté le "abort" dans le simulateur - Optimisation log_agent_status() (ex update_survey()) - AgentM (début) pour remplacer progressivement l'agent monitoring - routine_process() : envoi commande n'est plus bloquant - pyros.py peut lancer plusieurs agents (A et B) en même temps - run(N) : run only N iterations - send_command() implemented - EVAL is now a generic command - mode DEBUG (2 niveaux pour print) - flush_command : nouvelle commande pour purger les commmandes en attente - routine_process() implemented - Eval command implemented - self.print() pour les agents - Chaque agent a son propre scenario de commandes à envoyer - GROSSE OPTIMISATION : plus besoin du script intermédiaire "start_agent.py" !!! ==> pyros.py lance directement "cd src/agent/ ; python AgentX.py" **17/01/19 : Version 20190117.0.000.0 (EP)** - NO MORE CELERY (removed from everywhere) **10/10/18 : Version 2018.0.011 (E. Pallier)** - NEW versionning plan : YYYYMMDD.M.mmm.b - YYYYMMDD = Day (UTC) - M = Major version number - mmm = Minor version number - b = Bugfix number - Global Version number is now in src/__init__.py (idem for each pyros application) - new devices_channel/ folder containing the new DeviceControllerAbstract and ClientChannelAbstract classes (independant from pyros for the moment, but will soon be integrated) - new src/utils/celme (celestial mecanics) library from Alain Klotz (more and more used inside pyros) - better README.md formatted file **14/05/18 : Version 2018.0.001 (Q. Durand)** - Update all dependencies, update to django 2 and work in progress on the dashboard **23/03/18 Version 0.16.11 (E. Pallier)** - All unit tests now pass WITHOUT celery (./manage.py test or ./pyros.py test) **22/03/18 Version 0.16.10 (E. Pallier)** - New global variable USE_CELERY (false by default) in pyros.settings **13/03/18 Version 0.16.7 (E. Pallier)** - Each agent (envmonitor, majordome, alert) can be started independently with a script (new script start_agent in each agent directory) - New command "pyros start" to start pyros in different ways (different options : everything or only some components) **22/02/18 Version 0.16.5 (E. Pallier)** - Better isolation of Monitoring for easier testing (+ tuto) **01/02/18 Version 0.16.3 (Q. Durand)** - New installation script src/install/install.py multiplatform (Lin-Mac-Win10, but also tested on Win7) **24/02/17 Version 0.15.1 - Added comments (Jeremy Barneron)** - Details added to describe the functions behavior - https://projects.irap.omp.eu/versions/158 **18/01/17 Version 0.15 - Execution with simulators** - Simulators evolution / majordome / monitoring / installer - https://projects.irap.omp.eu/versions/158 **15/12/16 Version 0.14.1 - Final version 0.14** - Scenarist first versions - https://projects.irap.omp.eu/versions/152 02/08/16 Version 0.12.4 - Final version 0.12 Simulators first versions https://projects.irap.omp.eu/versions/129 20/07/16 Version 0.11.4 - Final version 0.11 Alert manager second version https://projects.irap.omp.eu/versions/128 05/07/16 Version 0.10.2 - Final version 0.10 Monitoring first version https://projects.irap.omp.eu/versions/120 05/07/16 Version 0.9.2 - Final version 0.9 Analysis skeleton https://projects.irap.omp.eu/versions/119 28/06/16 Version 0.8.3 - Final version 0.8 Execution (majordome & obs manager), first version https://projects.irap.omp.eu/versions/118 23/06/16 Version 0.7.8 - Final version 0.7 Routine manager, first version https://projects.irap.omp.eu/versions/117 20/05/16 Version 0.6.1 - Final version 0.6 Complete user management https://projects.irap.omp.eu/versions/123 20/05/16 Version 0.5.4 - Final version 0.5 Complete alert manager first version https://projects.irap.omp.eu/versions/116 20/05/16 Version 0.4.2 - Final version 0.4 Complete scheduler update https://projects.irap.omp.eu/versions/90 10/05/16 Version 0.3.12 - Final version 0.3 Complete workflow skeleton https://projects.irap.omp.eu/versions/88 13/04/16 Version 0.2.7 - Final version 0.2 Integrate PLANNER module https://projects.irap.omp.eu/versions/97 12/04/16 Version 0.1.1 - Final version 0.1 Multi-platform skeleton easy install + admin interface on database + start dashboard https://projects.irap.omp.eu/versions/87 04/04/16 Installable version (install script) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## TODO LIST (URGENT) DEMO: - SIMULATOR: - (AC) réserver cette page à un login superuser sinon n'importe qui pourra faire n'importe quoi à distance... - 1) PLC : - ajouter boutons "START" et "STOP" - implémenter weather et site OK/KO - 2) TELE : implémenter "start" et "stop" - 3) General : implement set to night/day