@startuml legend right Short legend endlegend title **Scheduler.copy_from_previous_schedule()** skinparam activity { 'StartColor red 'BarColor SaddleBrown 'EndColor Silver 'BackgroundColor Peru BackgroundColor<> Orange 'BorderColor Peru 'FontName Impact } (*) --> "//Copy needed data from previous schedule : EXECUTED sequences, plan_night_start, plan_end//" <> --> previous_sched = get last schedule from DB --> "previous_exc_seq = get all EXECUTED sequences from previous_sched\n Associate each EXECUTED sequence to the new schedule (in DB)\l" --> "schedule.plan_night_start = previous_sched.plan_night_start\n schedule.plan_end = previous_sched.plan_end\n //Schedule must start in MAX_OVERHEAD seconds://\n schedule.plan_start = now + MAX_OVERHEAD\l" --> (*) @enduml