from common.models import *
import scheduler.tasks

from decimal import Decimal

from django.conf import settings

class RequestBuilder():

    def start_new_request(self, pyros_user, scientific_program, is_alert, name="default"):
            This function MUST be called to build a request.
            It erases the previous one, and creates the sequences', albums' and plans' dictionaries.
        self.request = Request(name=name,
            scientific_program=scientific_program, pyros_user=pyros_user, is_alert=is_alert, complete=True, submitted=True)
        self.sequence_id = 1
        self.album_id = 1
        self.plan_id = 1
        self.sequences = {}
        self.albums = {}
        self.plans = {}
        self.is_alert = is_alert

    def add_sequence(self, priority, jd1, jd2, t_prefered=-1, name="default", duration=0):
            Add a sequence to the current request
            start_new_request must be called one before it
            :returns : The local ID of the sequence (to add albums to it)

        if not hasattr(self, "request"):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "start_new_request MUST be invoked before creating any sequence")

        sequence = Sequence(name=name, status=Sequence.TOBEPLANNED, priority=priority,
                            jd1=jd1, jd2=jd2, t_prefered=t_prefered, duration=duration, is_alert=self.is_alert)
        self.sequences[self.sequence_id] = sequence
        self.sequence_id += 1
        return self.sequence_id - 1

    def delete_sequence(self, seq_id):
            Removes locally a sequence from the current request
        if seq_id in self.sequences.keys():
            del self.sequences[seq_id]

    def add_album(self, seq_id, detector_name, name="default"):
            Creates a new album for the given sequence
            :returns : The local ID of the new album

        if not Detector.objects.filter(name=detector_name).exists():
            raise RuntimeError("Detector %s doesn't exist" % (detector_name,))
        if seq_id not in self.sequences.keys():
            raise RuntimeError("The sequence %d doesn't exist" % (seq_id,))

        detector = Detector.objects.get(name=detector_name)

        album = Album(name=name, detector=detector)
        self.albums[self.album_id] = (album, seq_id)
        self.album_id += 1
        return self.album_id - 1

    def del_album(self, album_id):
            Removes locally an album from the current request
        if album_id in self.albums.keys():
            del self.albums[album_id]

    def add_plan(self, album_id, filter_name, duration, nb_images, name="default"):
            Creates a new plan for the given album
            :returns : The local ID of the new plan

        if not Filter.objects.filter(name=filter_name).exists():
            raise RuntimeError("Filer %s doesn't exist" % (filter_name,))
        if album_id not in self.albums.keys():
            raise RuntimeError("The album %d doesn't exist" % (album_id,))

        filter_ = Filter.objects.get(name=filter_name)

        duration = Decimal(float(duration) / 86400.0)
        plan = Plan(name=name, filter=filter_,
                    duration=duration, nb_images=nb_images)
        self.plans[self.plan_id] = (plan, album_id)
        self.plan_id += 1
        return self.plan_id - 1

    def del_plan(self, plan_id):
            Removes locally a plan from the current request
        if plan_id in self.plans.keys():
            del self.plans[plan_id]

    def validate_request(self):
            Saves the different objects : request, sequences, albums, plans
            Computes sequences' duration
            Creates a scheduling task
            :returns : The request

        print("this request has", len(self.sequences), "sequences")
        if len(self.sequences) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "There must be at least one sequence in a request")

        sequences_having_album = list(set([
            seq_id for album, seq_id in self.albums.values()]))
        if len(sequences_having_album) != len(self.sequences):
            raise RuntimeError("All sequences must have at least one album")
        albums_having_plan = list(set([
            album_id for plan, album_id in self.plans.values()]))
        if len(albums_having_plan) != len(self.albums):
            raise RuntimeError("All albums must have at least one plan")
        for sequence in self.sequences.values():
            sequence.request = self.request
        for album, seq_id in self.albums.values():
            album.sequence = self.sequences[seq_id]
        for plan, album_id in self.plans.values():
            plan.album = self.albums[album_id][0]

        ''' computes the duration of all sequences '''
        for sequence in self.sequences.values():
            max_duration = 0
            for album in sequence.albums.all():
                duration = sum([plan.duration for plan in album.plans.all()])
                max_duration = duration if duration > max_duration else max_duration
            sequence.duration = max_duration

        print("here is the new request built: ", self.request)
        # TODO: uncomment
        # mettre une condition de temps pour lancer le scheduling (il faut ĂȘtre nuit -2 min au minimum)
        # TODO : changer le first_schedule ...
        if settings.USE_CELERY:
            print("RB: schedule WITH CELERY")
            scheduler.tasks.scheduling.delay(first_schedule=True, alert=self.request.is_alert)
            print("RB: schedule WITHOUT CELERY")
            scheduler.tasks.scheduling().run(first_schedule=True, alert=self.request.is_alert)

        return self.request