version: "3.9" services: db: # if we're using mysql >= 8, some of sql queries aren't valid anymore, like for creating and grant an user at the same time image: mysql:5.7.22 command: --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password restart: always container_name: db_pyros environment: # note : as db is an image of mysql, this root password will be set on the first installation on the image, if the value is changed, it will not be updated in the database - "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD:-root}" volumes: - db:/var/lib/mysql/ # create network to allow images to communicate with other images within the same network networks: - pyros-network healthcheck: test: ["CMD", 'mysqladmin', 'ping', '-h', 'db', '-u', 'root', '-p$$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD' ] timeout: 10s interval: 5s retries: 20 # service image of python, that let users to interact with python scripts such as pyros. pyros: # path to the Dockerfile of this image build: .. container_name: pyros # tty is the -t option in docker exec tty: true # stdin_open is the -i option in docker exec stdin_open: true env_file: - variables.env environment: # environment variables only for Docker - WITH_DOCKER=y - MYSQL_ROOT_LOGIN=root - MYSQL_TCP_PORT=3306 # environment variables available for both Docker usage and non Docker usage - "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD:-root}" - "MYSQL_PYROS_LOGIN=${MYSQL_PYROS_LOGIN:-pyros}" - "MYSQL_PYROS_PWD=${MYSQL_PYROS_PWD:-DjangoPyros}" #- "IP_PYROS_USER=${IP_PYROS_USER:-}" volumes: - ..:/home/pyros_user/app # tells which port of local machine can communicate with the docker image (host:container), host is your local machine ports: - "${PYROS_WEBSITE_PORT:-8000}:${PYROS_WEBSITE_PORT:-8000}" # starting db service before install service depends_on: - db # create network to allow images to communicate with other images within the same network networks: - pyros-network #ipv4_address: "${IP_PYROS_USER}" restart: always # declaring volumes volumes: db: driver: local # declaring networks networks: pyros-network: #bridge is the default network driver driver: bridge