from django.conf import settings
from common.models import Log
from devices.Telescope import TelescopeController

    Class managing the input from the remote commands sent by the dashboard
    the command is parsed and sent to the Telescope via an instance of TelescopeController


class TelescopeRemoteControlAbstract():
    _command = []
    _command_matcher_set = {}
    _command_matcher_get = {}
    _command_matcher_do = {}
    _current_matcher = None
    _telescope = None

    def __init__(self, command, expert_mode):
        self._command = command
        if expert_mode:
            self._command = str(command).split()
        self._telescope = TelescopeController()

    def exec_command(self):
        raise NotImplementedError("You must implement %s method" % type(self).__name__)
        # if self._command[0] in self._command_matcher:
        #     response = self._command_matcher[self._command[0]]()
        # else:
        #     return "KO: Unknown command"
        # return response