************************************************************************************* Here is how you can TEST that pyros is working well (ensure that nothing is broken) ************************************************************************************* (More on this subject at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1osHT3d8GiofRd9k3nL7cz4Hcmo9WVEOcSaSSQpgJcFs/edit#heading=h.odcd50f0rjwh) (A) Running the unit tests suite: - (1) Some unit tests only: $ ./pyros.py test - (2) All unit tests: $ ./pyros.py testall (B) Test with agents: - (1) FULL Test with agentMultiRequester (AgentMajordome like) sending commands to several device agents at once : the Gemini telescope device agent (or simulator), and the SBIG device agent (or simulator): $ ./pyros.py -ts start agentDeviceGemini,agentDeviceSBIG,agentMultiRequester - (2) Test against REAL Gemini telescope $ ./pyros.py -t start agentDeviceGemini,agentMultiRequester ****** OLD OBSOLETE TESTS: - Test with agentA and agentB sending commands to each other: $ ./pyros.py -t start agentA,agentB - Test with agentTelescopeRequester sending commands to the Gemini telescope (or its simulator) : - test with telescope SIMULATOR (use -s option) : $ ./pyros.py -ts start agentDeviceGemini,agentTelescopeRequester - test with REAL telescope : $ ./pyros.py -t start agentDeviceGemini,agentTelescopeRequester ****** (C) Interactive testing: $ ./pyros.py shell (D) Devices testing: $ cd src/devices_controller/ Suivre les instructions du document README.md de ce dossier ************************************************************************************* Use netstat to see if a simulator is (still) listening ************************************************************************************* $ netstat -tnl | grep 1111 udp4 0 0 *.* udp4 0 0 *.* To see which processus is responsible for this connection, use -v (or -p on linux) $ netstat -tnlv | grep 1111 udp4 0 0 *.* 786896 9216 24386 0 0x0000 0x00000000 udp4 0 0 *.* 786896 9216 3226 0 0x0000 0x00000000 Here, we see that process 3226 has launched a simulator on port 11110 To see this process detailed : $ ps -efl|grep 3226 501 3226 1 0 30sep19 ?? 0:41.77 /usr/local/Cella 4046 31 0 4331296 608 - S 0 Idem for process 24386: $ ps -efl|grep 24386 501 24386 1 0 4:04 ttys001 0:01.15 /usr/local/Cella 4046 31 0 4332056 40156 - S 0 Information about a specific process: $ ps -p 24386 24386 ttys001 0:01.24 /usr/local/Cellar/python/3.7.4/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/Resources/Python.app/Contents/MacOS/Python AgentDeviceSBIG.py -t -s => Now, we are sure this is the right process to kill