# Equivalent focal length (m) - attribute : key : foclen is_editable: False is_container: False value : 0.503 unit: "m" label: "Equivalent focal length" description: "" # Total tranmission - attribute : key : transmissions is_editable: False is_container: True value: wavelengths: [379e-9, 380e-9, 1100e-9, 1101e-9] transmission: [0.0, 0.9, 0.9, 0.0] unit: wavelengths: "m" transmission: "" label: "Total transmission" description: "" # Equivalent apperture diameter (m) - attribute: key: appdiam is_editable: False is_container: False value: 0.08 unit: "m" label: "Equivalent apperture diameter" description: "" # Mean sigma value of a Gaussian model of the psf (m) - attribute: key: psf_sigma is_editable: False is_container: False value : 10.0e-6 unit: "m" label: "Gaussian sigma of the PSF" description: "" # Focal reducer - attribute : key: reducer is_editable: False is_enum: True value: ["x1","x0.7"] unit: "" label: "Focal reducer" description: ""